Mini-van-coop-fire evacuation-mobile, PREDATOR BREAK IN!

Wow, you are amazing. I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes, but I would not be so calm. I hope you and yours are all safe, and all have a home to go back to.
As for the age of your FR's and how big they're going to get - I just finished 25 FR's. The last were 11wks5days old. They were hens, and none were larger than 7#'s. The last roo I did at 11wks2days, and he was 8#'s live, 4#8oz dressed. So yes, big, but not impossible to deal with.

As for processing - yes, you'll need a LOT of freezer/fridge space. The 8 I have in my fridge are taking up 1/3 of the space! (Note to self: get chx in freezer today!). However, it's not impossible to deal with. Knowing you're in a spot with likely a lot of folks, think about processing two or three at a time for a special dinner for all - a way to say thank you to SIL and her family.....besides if you end up there for a while, you'll need the meat! Consider it your own grocery store - fresh eggs and meat for a long while! Thanks to the powers of this forum and youtube, DH and I figured out how to make our own cone, set up our own processing station in the garage, keep everything sterile and clean, I'd find the next 'contestant', DH did the deed, we both cleaned birds, I packaged for the freezer and we did it. It's truly empowering to know that yes, indeed, we can do this! Grandparents did, why not us?!

As for the crowing, we said 'if you crow, you got to go!'. The first ones didn't figure out a 'true' crow until just after 10wks old. Before that, it sounded like a french horn with a mute in it! Funny, funny stuff! However, the first two who did figure out how to crow became dinner. After that, none of the other 12 made a peep! It's like they knew what happened and why!!!

Ours were so funny - they KNEW the pink wellies brought food, and so whenever pink wellies showed up in their yard, they came CHARGING at me! There were times I couldn't get through the gate because they wouldn't let me through! Didn't matter if I had that evil garden hose (to refill waterers) or not - they gathered around me like I was a rock star. My layers haven't ever given me the time of day - much too haugty to do much than lay eggs and peck the ground bare - but the Rangers were really beautiful, friendly even gregarious, happy critters. Yes, I miss them, but I'll get more in September! I may try to figure out how to keep some through the winter, as they are such wonderful birds. (But don't mention that to DH, ok?!)

Best wishes and prayers for safekeeping....for all of yours.....
The fire news is positive tonight. The fire is 25% contained, and there has been massive containment work done between the fire's Northwestern edge and our home. There is still a bunch of fire above us on Rampart Range Road, but terrain and prevailing winds have so far kept it from moving down the mountain towards us. If you want to see the current map of the fire's footprint and current evacuation zones, look here:

If you're interested in knowing the place on the map we've been watching the most closely, follow Highway 24 farther Northwest from Chipita Park/Cascade to the next "24" on the highway and you'll be close to where our driveway connects to the highway. We're on the "fire" side of the highway.

Chickens are all doing well with the exception of my Black Jersey Giant who was pretty sick with sour crop three days before the mandatory evacuation orders came on Saturday. I spoke with a vet today, but no one is really an expert in chickens. Doing what I can, but not sure it will be enough.
Prayers to you, your family and all the animals. We are on the western slope, with a fire going farther west of us, the Pine Ridge Fire near DeBeque, CO. Have been getting ashes for a few days now but am not in danger from that fire. Hopefully the firefighters will be able to contain the Waldo Canyon fire and save your home. If you need a place to house chickens in the event it isn't saved, message me, it's a drive but safe from fire - your chickens would be cared for and able to free range until you came for them. There is pasture and a small creek for foraging around, I haven't had much predator trouble either. Blessings....
Tentative report is that we MAY be able to access our property for a short period of time tomorrow. We'll know around 8:00AM. The plan is to get up around 6:00 AM and head to Florrisant with the 35 Freedom Rangers in the mobile chicken coop and get them settled in with an absolute stranger who has been kind enough to "foster" them until harvesting age, or when we can collect them, which ever happens first and then be in Woodland Park shortly thereafter to make our move back to the house if we are allowed. Our 8 layers will stay with my sister-in-law for the time being but having the big flock tucked safely away in Florrisant will take some of the strain off of relationships here in Evergreen.

I'll keep you posted and perhaps even post photos of my flock-on-the-move.

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