Mini Weiner Puppies update pics!!!!


13 Years
May 29, 2010
Eastern Wa.
For those of you who remember the the birth of the puppies on BYC here is your update. For those of you who missed it this is your update also!!Gabby is an amazing mother, we are so impressed!! The puppies have been a lot of fun, today they are 4 weeks and 1 day old. The are walking and sometimes running all over the place, we put them in a kiddie pool in the living room so that they have plenty of room to play. A week ago we put toys in with them, sad part is they are so small the only toys we could find for them were kitty toys so they are playing with little mice and balls with bells in them!! They like the noise the balls make. We also started trying to potty train them on wee pads, I am so surprised they ALMOST always go on them. We also started feeding them mashed up puppy food with formula now that they have little tiny teeth they seem to enjoy it. Our 4th born baby (Eddie) seemed a little weak last week, so to help keep him awake so that he could feed we gave him a few drops of maple syrup and then would give him alone time with his mom. He is doing great now he seems to have a lot more energy and can now keep up with his siblings, ( I still catch my wife sneaking him over to his mom all the time). We have sold one to a nice family who came out to pick one out, they named him dexter so thats what we have been calling him so maybe he will know it before he goes to his new home. We are going to start running adds next week so we have time to screen potential owners before we sell them. Anyways here are some pics hope you like them. PS there are seven of them!!




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Thank you for sharing. I have a Miss Gabby also, except that she is a Yorkie. It is wonderful when the mother of pups takes such good care of the pups. I hope that you will able to find great forever homes for the puppies. I still have 2 pups that I still need to find homes for. I love the picture of the pups tussling.
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I know we have an extra pup still, he will probably just stay here, we are kind of attached.

Those pups are adorable! The fun just gets better and better as they grow and explore. It was harder to puppy proof our home than it was to child-proof it when they were toddlers!

Does that first puppy have an overbite? It is a cute picture!
I know we have an extra pup still, he will probably just stay here, we are kind of attached.

Those pups are adorable! The fun just gets better and better as they grow and explore. It was harder to puppy proof our home than it was to child-proof it when they were toddlers!

Does that first puppy have an overbite? It is a cute picture!

they are fun for sure, no he doesn't have an overbite he is just wondering what that ribbon is doing in his mouth

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