Minimal wire gauges for different predators?

Jul 28, 2018
I have asked, and seen other people ask repeatedly (in various locations around the internet) about the minimal wire gauge to keep certain predators out, but there is never a specific answer, only vague answers. People say "the thicker the better" or "welded wire" or "fencing wire," etc. Of course thicker is better, but wire is pricey, so if someone needs 12 gauge to keep out a smaller predator, do they really need to buy 4 gauge? Is there anyone who can list the minimal gauge of wire for different predators?

For instance- What is the minimal gauge wire that someone can buy that a possum or coon can NOT chew through in a night or two? (Assume it will be coupled with 1/2 hardware cloth). 14 gauge? 12 gauge?

Maybe minimal wire gauges for predators like: coon, possum, and then minimal wire gauges for something bigger like bobcat, or coyote. I think specific answers would really help people.
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I don't know of any specific chew testing by wire gauge. So to definitevely answer is difficult. For chain link fence min would be 12-14ga. Welded wire 12-16ga. Hardware cloth 19ga. Those recommendations of "bigger is better" are usually based on, people don't know what's available in your area. The mesh pattern and size of the openings has just as much to do with the effectiveness as the gauge of the individual strands. And must be taken into account. I don't know that the direct "Holy Grail" answer you're searching for exists.
14 gauge. Nothing will chew through that. 2x4 14 gauge welded wire stops everything other than weasel. Use hardware cloth to cover opening on coop, lock birds in coop every night.

There is a misconception about hardware cloth. If I had the time I'd look up the thread where a woman had stray dog tear through 19 ga. 1/2 inch hardware with ease.
...but there is never a specific answer, only vague answers. ....Is there anyone who can list the minimal gauge of wire for different predators?
Most things chicken are 'it depends'. Nope, no absolutes as there are as many variables in the humans applying the mesh as there are in the predators trying to get thru it.

Here is an infographic which provides good info on everything you ever wanted to know about predator proofing, including which fencing types to use to protect your flock from which predators -
That is not definitive either....and it completely leaves out 14 gauge fencing, which boggles my mind, otherwise there's some decent info there.

There is a misconception about hardware cloth. If I had the time I'd look up the thread where a woman had stray dog tear through 19 ga. 1/2 inch hardware with ease.
I remember that, IIRC it was not well attached. It can hold back most things, but if they can get a tooth in a buckled attachment or an edge of the HC, yes it can be torn...but it's pretty rare AFAIK.
If you're looking for "chew proof" 3/16 expanded steel is about as tough as it gets. Backed up by 1/2 19ga HC
Here is an infographic which provides good info on everything you ever wanted to know about predator proofing, including which fencing types to use to protect your flock from which predators -
Yes, I saw that before, but it said nothing about gauge. The thing is, all those different kinds of fencing that site has pictured, come in different gauges. So if someone says, "welded wire fencing" that could be any one of multiple gauges. As someone else mention about "looking for the holy grail," I get that not every hardware store has every kind in stock, but it DOES help to have an idea of what gauge you are looking for with different kinds of fencing. A lot of people do 1/2 hardware cloth (19 gauge seems available) and then they say 2/4 fencing, etc, but that 2x4 fencing comes in different gauges. I'm just saying that adding a gauge, even if it is a range, like 12-14 or whatever, helps a lot when people are looking at 20 different kinds of wire with all different gauges. Also, (responding to different post again) I realize different kinds of wire have not been tested for chewing officially, but I figured that other people who have had chickens and dealt with predators for a long time, probably have a good idea what gauge wire holds them off and what doesn't. It is definitely within reason to ask for something more specific than "welded wire."
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It's just that in searching for answers myself, I saw that a lot of other people had asked similar questions and got no real response either, so I thought it would be helpful. Lots of people pre-search for wire online before going comparing prices to a local hardware store, etc, or to see what a store has in stock. All wire is described with a specific gauge, and of course prices depend on the gauge usually. I know a lot of people are on a budget and may choose something they think is right, but the gauge may be way to thin, or excessively thick, etc. Probably seems like a silly question for those who are familiar with building or construction, or people married to someone super handy, but for those who are not, and trying to build something for the first time the best they can, those details help. Obviously any suggestions are helpful, but gauge is kind of important. The idea is to get something secure, but not overspend on something excessive either. If we all had unlimited budgets, would be a different story, lol.

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