Minimum stocking help - better social life for chickens, or more space?


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2022
Sydney, Australia
Hi there,

I am building a permanent deep litter run, about 7m2 in area, excluding the coop. Unfortunately this is the biggest I can make it due to difficult terrain and huge boulders.

I was wondering if two chickens would be happier, with more space, or if three chickens would be happier, with a more complex social life. I know the minimum area per hen is 1m2, but the more room the better!

I was thinking an Australorp and a Marans if that is relevant.

I can't let them free range because there are lots of predators, so they'll be living inside the run for the most part, except for the occasional supervised outdoor grazing time. I'll try my best to enrich them with greens and grubs from the garden.

What do you guys think? 3 or 2?
The problem with two chickens, is when one dies, the other is left all alone. Maybe consider Bantam breeds, and get three. Chicken tunnels may be a way to work around the terrain and add more space, also.
Thanks for the suggestion! A chicken tunnel would be a great future project.

I value the non-broodiness and large eggs of regular sized laying hens, do you think an Australorp could get along with two bantams buddies if raised together from chicks? I understand that Australorps are generally easygoing with other chickens, but smaller chickens can get easily picked on...
about 7m2 in area
7 sq meters or 7m x 7m?
How big is the coop, that matters too.

Oh, and... Welcome to BYC! @Eggos
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
I see no reason you can't have 3 standard size hens in that space, since you mention you'd like to have larger eggs. If you get creative with clutter like roosts and platforms to utilize height, you can still give them some enrichment.
Hmm that's a good point, hadn't considered increasing square footage with vertical space etc. Thanks
7 sq meters or 7m x 7m?
How big is the coop, that matters too.

Oh, and... Welcome to BYC! @Eggos
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 3186818
That would be 7 square metres, it's actually 3.6m x 2m.

I didn't think the coop size would matter as I assume they would want to spend their days foraging in the run and only sleep/lay in the coop. I originally was planning on a coop size of 1m x 1m excluding nesting boxes but I could make it bigger, that's a good point.

I didn't think the coop size would matter as I assume they would want to spend their days foraging in the run and only sleep/lay in the coop. I originally was planning on a coop size of 1m x 1m excluding nesting boxes but I could make it bigger, that's a good point.
Since you don't live in a harsh winter climate, that could work out OK.
Hopefully your run will have a roof for shade and rain protection.

If you get creative with clutter like roosts and platforms to utilize height, you can still give them some enrichment.

hadn't considered increasing square footage with vertical space etc.
It doesn't really increase square footage, it just provides enrichment(diversion, activity).
Hello Eggos.
Welcome to BYC.
Better not to mix Bantams with full sized chickens.
Three would be my choice rather than two for the reason townchicks mentioned.
You don't mention where you plan to get your chickens or what age they will be.
Take your time and if you can, find a breeder with a good reputation who will let you see their birds and how they are kept before you buy.
Since you don't live in a harsh winter climate, that could work out OK.
Hopefully your run will have a roof for shade and rain protection.

It doesn't really increase square footage, it just provides enrichment(diversion, activity).
Ok, that makes sense.

Yes I'm planning on a clear acrylic sheet as the roof and will try to have a dwarf mulberry tree in the run with a lot of pruning!

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