
I am so sorry Rhetts.  That completely blows.

#1.Reinforcement on the coops.  Buy Boards.  Build a coop that is Fort Knox.  If there is no reward they should not be back. 

#2 Auto motion detector light on the coops.  When The deer walk by when the wolves scratch the door on the coops that light flicks on like a front porch light to scare them.  $20 at Walmart.  Takes 2 D batteries and it works in -25F.  I have one and I love it.  Only problem is windy nights with leaves flying about it comes on ALOT.

#3 Baby Monitor placed in the coop and in your room so you can hear any racquet in the middle of the night and get up and harrass them back.  your Choice and your Secret on how that harrassment happens.

Depending on  your nature for dealing with wild critters you can pick any of the above according to what your heart and head tell you do.

@Rhetts, so very sorry, how terrible. :( I can't imagine. Bogtown has some fantastic ideas though, going to to try some myself!
Yesterday I was doing dishes and 10 feet from my kitchen window a wolf ran in to a circle of hens. He got 2. Ran off with one in his mouth while I was yelling. I gotta tell you, all day while I was out and about outside I felt jumpy. I guess the chickens will stay in the pen, not that it provides much protection. I made a delicious bread pudding to try to ease my stress and sadness. It was really tasty, but I'd rather have my chickens back. I'm not looking forward to having them picked off one by one.

so sorry Cotton, oh what a terrible day! :(
I have a solution to anyone's predator problems. Me! I am ninja like in my pursuit of ANY animal that threatens me flock! Once the economy crashes and the russkies invade, I will need chickens. not wolves, not eagles, not any predator. chickens.
BC take me Shrooming!!!

Weird day here. I was working on the new hospital ward all day.

The sick hen is better. The turkeys and road runners caused major grief today. They decided to act like Guineas and explore the road ditch. I had to chase them back to the yard.

The young turkeys and creamettes put them selves to bed tonight, every one of them I never had to chase one in..

I have my fingers crossed your night goes well Rhett and Cotton.

Why is it a bird that is nearly dead lives and gets well and a bird with a hang nail dies?
I have a solution to anyone's predator problems. Me! I am ninja like in my pursuit of ANY animal that threatens me flock! Once the economy crashes and the russkies invade, I will need chickens. not wolves, not eagles, not any predator. chickens.

When that happens stay away from my fur bearing critters, I will need them myself then!

Besides who doesn't love a wolf rib roast?
I applied the 'Winchester super mag' predator prevention method before i ever had chickens and that has worked well for me. Also my coops and runs are over engineered. I have been lucky this far. I do feel for you guys though, I would be riddled with anxiety in your shoes trying to solve the issue without loss of your flock
On second thought the WSM treatment doesn't much help you with a wolf. On one hand, we should prevent a species from becoming extinct. On the other, the people who want to protect the wolf don't always grasp first hand what they really do. A buddy of mine has had a wolf tag every year but has yet to get one. He calls his target wolf 'Carl' and talks about getting it taxidermied haha
Instead of sharing bad news I decided to share a good thing!

Remember the barred rock hen I thought had a prolapsed uterus or whatever it is called, I had thought about doing her in, practicing euthanasia. I did not see her for a couple days. She came around tonight for chicken TV. She picked a few treats, stood next to me and "talked" to me a little.

Her butt looks better, it is no longer sunken in, the feathers cover the worst of it. She looks perkier, holds her head up instead of drooping it. I know she is not laying eggs yet and may never again, but I am happy she is alive, she is such a sweetheart to me. Anyways, the good news is I think she will live now, Unless there is an infection or something that will kill her over time.
Glad your girl came back home...Hope she does well...

so sorry Cotton, oh what a terrible

x2 cotton. Your day just as bad

BC take me Shrooming!!!

definitely Ralphie. Get your wicker basket and old timer jackknife . Those are good times in the woods!

The sick hen is better.  The turkeys and road runners caused major grief today. They decided to act like Guineas and explore the road ditch. I had to chase them back to the yard.

see? Who needs guineas when you have road runners and free thinking turkeys?

The young turkeys and creamettes put them selves to bed tonight,
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