
I'm so excited, Tomorrow the plywood goes on the roof, (wind not withstanding). Can't wait until it is done!

got home late again, pros are the gorgeous stars out tonight, and that sweet murmuring sound of hens who are sleepy and waking.

cons are having to crawl on hands and knees to the furthest reach of the broody run to bring in petunia, my sweet, bearded and muffed mutt chicken. think she is a ee and welsummer cross, and has been broody about 90% of the summer.

about a half mile from me, the hay field that was just baled got a good thick coating of pure liquid manure. been here 9 summers and I don't ever remember it looking like that, or smelling so foul for so long. been a week, and it still looks shiny wet, and the stench! have to keep my bedroom windows closed, so it is a good thing we have this unusually cool weather. don't know what is different this year, but I sure hope it is the first and last time he tries whatever the hockey sticks it is! when you drive by in the daylight, it looks saran wrapped - so shiny and sparkly.

Ralphie, that is good news about your prolapsed hen. I have that hen that I thought I would have to cull earlier this spring - she was laying weird half shell half junk eggs shaped like cheetos...and had a belly hanging so low it was practically dragging on the ground. She had a couple of bad days but has been happy the last few months - chatty, active - not laying of course, and still looks like she has a saggy diaper on - her rear end is just hanging down (internal stuff is where it should be thank goodness).
wow cluckies, congrats!! that looks gorgeous. keeping my fingers crossed for a calm day with no wind tomorrow. well maybe a tiny breeze to keep the sweat down.

I like the little path you've worn from the door to the outdoor nest box doors!
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Yesterday I was doing dishes and 10 feet from my kitchen window a wolf ran in to a circle of hens. He got 2. Ran off with one in his mouth while I was yelling. I gotta tell you, all day while I was out and about outside I felt jumpy. I guess the chickens will stay in the pen, not that it provides much protection. I made a delicious bread pudding to try to ease my stress and sadness. It was really tasty, but I'd rather have my chickens back. I'm not looking forward to having them picked off one by one.
Sorry cottonlouie. Must have been a real shock. Glad you were there!!
On second thought the WSM treatment doesn't much help you with a wolf. On one hand, we should prevent a species from becoming extinct. On the other, the people who want to protect the wolf don't always grasp first hand what they really do. A buddy of mine has had a wolf tag every year but has yet to get one. He calls his target wolf 'Carl' and talks about getting it taxidermied haha

Sorry, but I am in the old school on wolves.

Back in the 80s I lost over 100 sheep to wolves, got ZERO from the feds like you're suppose too. The Game warden refused to certify the deaths as being caused by a wolf. Said there were no wolves in this area (Carlton County) When I said I would show him the dead wolf body he said I would be arrested..

Catch 22, Kinda puts me in EJB's camp on this one. Can't get your payment cause you can't show us the wolf, Show us the wolf and you go to jail,,,,Hmmmmmm

BTW Someone did me a favor and the wolf ended up dead at the edge of my property, the Warden found it and asked if I knew who shot it...... I said "no idea, but if I did do you really think I would telll you?"

Then I asked for my money cause there was the dead wolf. and proof they were in my area..... He said just cause there was a dead wolf there does not prove he ate my sheep...

MY conclusion from all of this is, the only good wolf is a dead wolf!
Sorry, but  I am in the old school on wolves.

Back in the 80s I lost over 100 sheep to wolves, got ZERO from the feds like you're suppose too. The Game warden refused to certify the deaths as being caused by a wolf.  Said there were no wolves in this area (Carlton County) When I said I would show him the dead wolf body he said I would be arrested..

Catch 22,  Kinda puts me in EJB's camp on this one.  Can't get your payment cause you can't show us the wolf,  Show us the wolf and you go to jail,,,,Hmmmmmm

BTW Someone did me a favor and the wolf ended up dead at the edge of my property, the Warden found it and asked if I knew who shot it...... I said "no idea, but if I did do you really think I would telll you?"

Then I asked for  my money cause there was the dead wolf. and proof they were in my area..... He said just cause there was a dead wolf there does not prove he ate my sheep... 

MY conclusion from all of this is,  the only good wolf is a dead wolf!

Yes I've heard many stories about people taking care of the issue on their own and just making it 'disappear'. I think that's totally fair, I would consider it too if I was in those shoes

I think you may have misinterpreted my post Ralphie
Yes I've heard many stories about people taking care of the issue on their own and just making it 'disappear'. I think that's totally fair, I would consider it too if I was in those shoes

I think you may have misinterpreted my post Ralphie

I very well could have. I guess keeping a bottle of wolf DNA in a bottle frozen to near absolute zero in a lab somewhere next to the small pox virus would be Okay with me.

Hunting a wolf would be hard to do, just because they are so dang smart. Most people that I know that have gotten a wolf get them by accident while deer hunting.

BTW I was more venting because of the predator talk and my dislike of wolves.
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