
There is a rooster about a thousand yards down the road at the neighbors and they like to chat. But if Lucky ever made his way over there he would get his ***** kicked by that other dude.
ok, roosters - i saw video somewhere, maybe here, of a rooster kicking the stars out of a soccer ball. You really got a very good tutorial on how they use their spurs. That rooster wasn't going to let that soccer ball anywhere near his flock. off camera, someone was rolling the ball back into the flock area and that rooster would come running out and boot that thing out of there.
My 2 rooster start in at 3:30 SHARP every morning. They will go at it until i let them out.
They will crow everytime i go outside, or I am on the phone, and they are very happy to announce any visitors too.

Good thing I like all that crowing and that my closest neighbors are 1/2 mile away.
My 2 rooster start in at 3:30 SHARP every morning. They will go at it until i let them out.
They will crow everytime i go outside, or I am on the phone, and they are very happy to announce any visitors too.

Good thing I like all that crowing and that my closest neighbors are 1/2 mile away.

If you have two. I think they are competing with each other.

I have one. If I flick on a light switch in the middle of the night he'll start as he sees it from the coop. But then I shut it off he'll go back to sleep I suppose. I sleep pretty soundly but DH says he'll hear Rog every once in a while in the morning. Our coop is a bit of a walk and the walls of the coop are solid and so is our house I guess. Once Rog is out of the coop in the morning he does his dancing and he doesn't crow too much after that.

I think too cottonlouie I'd put a barn up before home improvements. I'm with you on that.Wouldn't that be nice. A big ole place for the birds to set on the rafters and store hay. ***sigh**** There's a part of me that wants to build another coop and add birds but....I think of the needs of the 10 I have and I just sort of put that thought out real quick.
Maybe I'll satisfy myself with a garden shed or something....
I have finished the "new" coop, which is actually the old coop/garage fixed up to be more usable.

I have to separate screen areas both having access to the same or separate runs. The front area is where I hope to winter the turkeys, (yea, sure that'll work)

I have another 8 nest boxes in the front part, and a hospital ward! 2 hospital beds with small nest one is dark to brood in if I want.

See you all later I have to run down to the concrete jungle for a few hours.

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