
well today was a good and bad day as far as the coop goes.. i got all the framing done on the run...and so i thought i would start to fence it in... i stood up a big roll of galvanized wire heavy duty i think its 6x50 anyways i thought it would stand..guess not.. whack right in the face gave myself a black eye,bruised cheek bone and bloody puffed lip...wasnt loving my chickens for a little while...LOl
Our Accountant had it sort of set up every year and would ask us about deductions and stuff. My husband has a real estate license also with his bank job. The real estate background compliments his job and that knowledge helps and once in a great while he does a sale. I think that was the issue. He had not a done a sale in the last 5 years or so and he was still claiming miles on the truck for running to different properties which he does for the bank a lot actually when a loan is going bad...etc. Well no. There was an IRS office out of Brainerd that snagged us.

The guy was a jerk. We saved receipts for donations to our goodwill and they totally said we couldn't use those. It was a complete hose job.

The money is gone. It's done and over with. Hopefully going to a veteran and his/her family. And not buying tattoos, fake fingernails, iphones or ER visits for the common cold.

Tonight I tucked everybody in and checked Lucy's bumble foot.(toe) The area I worked on previously didn't look too bad. But on the interior aspect of the same toe was another Bumble opening and I grabbed her off the roost and brought her up. I had never had a bumble area come out like a kernel of corn --like they say-- but I did tonight. The core was probably the size of two kernels of corn. Slightly smelly. Veterycin spray. Bacitracin. Non stick gauze and vet wrap. I then rubbed her legs down and pads of her feet with that Vet RX I just got. I think she's getting ready to molt as her feathers look like they've done the bleaching that Minnie mentioned today. which means her immunity is going to be run down too. I'll redress on Friday. And then we head out of town for the Labor day weekend. I wish almost that I could keep at her through the weekend. Will get back in I suppose on Monday and do another cleaning. Poor girl. The swelling is a good nickel size in circumfrance around the toe. I'm just a little worried about that toe with cold weather approaching and compromised circulation there I'm sure. Any body had bumble toes freeze off? I don't want to go through that business.
I found barley and rye up in your area.
Barley was 10 cents under market value. Rye was $8 a bushel. Let me know if you want links

Too far from me to be worth it thouhh

I would like to see the links to these please.
Trying ap on my iPhone seeing how this works... Sitting outside watching chickens already and having coffee.. It's still cool outside but you can already feel the humidity .. Do I have nothing better to do with my life now then watched chickens all day and care for them .. Funny how you can get so addicted to something ... Kind of sounds like a sad story but for right now I'm OK with it ..
I don't think it is sad, I think it is wonderful! If people would leave me alone I could spend more time with my chickens. I'm getting tired of people... they are so needy. "can you help me with this?" "can I ask you a favor?" "do you have time to xxx?" No, leave me alone FCS!
(sorry, my inside voice came out). I just want to hang with my girls.

well today was a good and bad day as far as the coop goes.. i got all the framing done on the run...and so i thought i would start to fence it in... i stood up a big roll of galvanized wire heavy duty i think its 6x50 anyways i thought it would stand..guess not.. whack right in the face gave myself a black eye,bruised cheek bone and bloody puffed lip...wasnt loving my chickens for a little while...LOl
Ouch! did it feel like this?
I've been using 3x50 1/2 inch hardware cloth and that is hard enough to deal with, can't imagine wrestling with 6x50! Hope you heal up quick!
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Our Accountant had it sort of set up every year and would ask us about deductions and stuff. My husband has a real estate license also with his bank job. The real estate background compliments his job and that knowledge helps and once in a great while he does a sale. I think that was the issue. He had not a done a sale in the last 5 years or so and he was still claiming miles on the truck for running to different properties which he does for the bank a lot actually when a loan is going bad...etc. Well no. There was an IRS office out of Brainerd that snagged us.

The guy was a jerk. We saved receipts for donations to our goodwill and they totally said we couldn't use those. It was a complete hose job.

The money is gone. It's done and over with. Hopefully going to a veteran and his/her family. And not buying tattoos, fake fingernails, iphones or ER visits for the common cold.

Tonight I tucked everybody in and checked Lucy's bumble foot.(toe) The area I worked on previously didn't look too bad. But on the interior aspect of the same toe was another Bumble opening and I grabbed her off the roost and brought her up. I had never had a bumble area come out like a kernel of corn --like they say-- but I did tonight. The core was probably the size of two kernels of corn. Slightly smelly. Veterycin spray. Bacitracin. Non stick gauze and vet wrap. I then rubbed her legs down and pads of her feet with that Vet RX I just got. I think she's getting ready to molt as her feathers look like they've done the bleaching that Minnie mentioned today. which means her immunity is going to be run down too. I'll redress on Friday. And then we head out of town for the Labor day weekend. I wish almost that I could keep at her through the weekend. Will get back in I suppose on Monday and do another cleaning. Poor girl. The swelling is a good nickel size in circumfrance around the toe. I'm just a little worried about that toe with cold weather approaching and compromised circulation there I'm sure. Any body had bumble toes freeze off? I don't want to go through that business.
Sounds terrible! did she get bumble from jumping down from to high? or is she on wire? Just curious how she got it.
Me too, Ralphie. Guess I was speeding thru all the posts and missed that. You know what they say....old age ain't for sissies. Boy am I finding that to be true. And coffee, sorry about the fence whapping you

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