
Small or farm business?

Farm business, and business is good...

(That is definitely all $20 bills not one $20 wrapped around a pile of singles
Well now this Form F or whatever would be the same form you fill out at Fleet Farm so you don't pay sales tax on farm goods? I doubt we'd qualify and plus I'm gun shy to do any of that.

We were already audited last winter and it didn't fare well. Greedy buggers. Ironic the amount they wanted was so close to what we had in savings it was spooky. Not a nice experience.
Well now this Form F or whatever would be the same form you fill out at Fleet Farm so you don't pay sales tax on farm goods?  I doubt we'd qualify and plus I'm gun shy to do any of that. 

We were already audited last winter and it didn't fare well.  Greedy buggers. Ironic the amount they wanted was so close to what we had in savings it was spooky.  Not a nice experience.

Any idea what brought it on?
I believe form F or whatever is a farm deductions form like a schedule C or D,, It might even be a schedule F.

After my 17th audit, I have decided to not deduct my farm chicken business, However, I will keep that for my next audit.

Yes, I really have been audited 17 times by the IRs. That does not count workmans comp audits and unemployment audits. The government likes to audit me.

As KlopKlop says you need to watch your expenses and have some income, what I gathered is you either need to make money occasionally or show you are expanding your base.

BTW of the 17 audits I only had to pay in twice, they owed me the rest, Because I hold something back, like farm income.
As KlopKlop says you need to watch your expenses and have some income, what I gathered is you either need to make money occasionally or show you are expanding your  base.. 

Yep, that was what my tax person said to me. You have to make it look like your are at least trying to make a profit and should show at least one year of income at least once in 5 years. Otherwise they will dispute the legitimacy of your 'business'. I have ag rental income as well as petty money from selling eggs. I have to save receipts for anything I plan to deduct.

Despite all that, my farm expenses for this year are under $2k so far so I'm small fish...
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I am thinking of filing as a non-profit entity.

The one year they got me on some stupid technicality. The auditor was so disappointed he could not find anything he said after the audit, " Well, it looks like everything is okay, but I want a few days to think about it before I sign off." ( This was a Minnesota Tax auditor) He almost sounded like he was going to cry when he did not find anything. I even told Judy when we left, "should we go back in and help the poor guy out and help him find something?"

She disagreed.

About three days later the phone rang and I answered it. It was the auditor and he says to me all excited. " I found something".

Like I was suppose to be as excited as him. When we had gotten the PEL grants and loans for our kids college we had not declared part of it on the Minnesota taxes even though it was exempt under federal or some really strange thing like that. I think we had gotten around $1500 in a pell grant for one or both the kids.

Anyways. the tax was around $800. then taxes and penalty brought it up to $1400 and change. So we got around 100 bucks in a pell grant/loan..

So BC I really understand them finding the exact amount you have in the bank.
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The Renaissance festival is interesting, with many booths where craftsmen & artisans are marketing their goods. Lots of good food & etc. I have not been there for many years and don't anticipate going back. I have lost my tolerance for crowds and insolent fools.
Ralphie I believe your guinea was killed by an owl. I have experience similar in the past when one went right through garden netting over the top of a pen and killed multiple chickens in a grow out pen.

I tend to agree EJB. My initial thought was Owl. I have solved the problem, I hope. I put more uprights in so the netting cannot give as much..

As far as you guys going to the Renaissance faire, you can have it, Having lived through the original and first Renaissance, I can see no reason to go back to it, No indoor bathrooms, no electricity, slow internet and the black plague, Once is enough for me...
It's funny how many on here, me included aren't to thrilled with doing things in a crowd. Me too! I maybe do the fair every 5 or 7 years, did renaissance once probably 30 years ago.

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