
Thanks guys,
I took him this morning to a local vet friend of mine who is doing an autopsy too see what went wrong. He don't like poultry but he knows I am in a bind with 60 more chickens at home. We shall see when he is done, so far severe frost bite and an empty tummy.
Personally, if I were going to get an autopsy on a chicken, I would send it to the U or whoever the MN Poultry Test Labs recommended. Not all (in fact, not many) vets are familiar with poultry enough to know what is going on with them when they are sick or dying.

Lala, He does look bad. I think this year it just got so cold so early that the birds were just not acclimated yet for the cold. I have more frostbite on my birds than I have seen before, even with temps of -20. Those single combs will suffer mercilessly.
Thanks guys,
I took him this morning to a local vet friend of mine who is doing an autopsy too see what went wrong. He don't like poultry but he knows I am in a bind with 60 more chickens at home. We shall see when he is done, so far severe frost bite and an empty tummy.
severe frostbite...were his wattles swollen? Bogtown chick's roo had such swollen wattles from frostbite that he quit eating - and I've read elsewhere that it can be so painful that they quit eating. just wondering because of the empty crop. Unless he died early morning?
So far this year, thanks to all of your advice, my roo is doing well, no frost bite, yea, yet. My big boy who had such bad frost bite last year went to live with a cousin with 10 girls & a barn full of cattle. Lucky boy :)
Aussie... glad to hear of your Roo still alive at another barn...that is warm...no less. I thought you were culling him...but great to hear he just had a move.

Oh boy LaLa...he really got frostbit on the comb. Just keep it clean when you can and apply the Neosporin. They'll also not eat well if it's infected...so that is something to keep an eye on. Feel his crop each night to be sure he's getting something. His wattles don't look too swollen and that's a good thing. This weather when it stays that cold for that long just is hard on them.

With the warm up of course I cracked a window in the coop today...and I had a couple of hens wanting to sleep in the run tonight. They crack me up. I took my heat lamp out of the coop (I use for the nasty -10 and lowers) and put up one of these flat radiant heaters. I found it at Target for $39. Way safer than the lamp. Radiant heat, energy efficient, safety mechanisms (it will switch off if something's wrong-I believe) It's called Cozy Legs radiant heater. I'm not sure how well it will help in an uninsulated coop but maybe it will bring -25 or -30 up a bit more in that small space. Mounted it on the wall of my coop. Don't have to worry about space and fluttering wings knocking it around. I'll use it when I deem the weather fit for neither man nor beast.

Awww, Triplell I'm sorry about your Roo passing. What a bummer. he was gorgeous too...
Here's hoping he's got some nice sons on the way.
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Thanks bogtown and everyone,
I do have 2 cockrels from him and 2 pulleys. They will or should be ready by February or March. I had two broody's this fall that I let hatch and raise to see how far they would go. Yupee they did great and glad I did. I plan on putting them in with the lone hen as soon asI get the all clear from the autopsy. So far his comb was very swollen and large that it not only covered his nostrils but froze them too and had a nasty ear infection witch I had been fighting with. I thought had I t cleared up. I guess not. The vet said this morning he tested for what he could then sent the body to the U of M for further testing. Hopefully might know in a week.
Thanks bogtown and everyone,
I do have 2 cockrels from him and 2 pulleys. They will or should be ready by February or March. I had two broody's this fall that I let hatch and raise to see how far they would go. Yupee they did great and glad I did. I plan on putting them in with the lone hen as soon asI get the all clear from the autopsy. So far his comb was very swollen and large that it not only covered his nostrils but froze them too and had a nasty ear infection witch I had been fighting with. I thought had I t cleared up. I guess not. The vet said this morning he tested for what he could then sent the body to the U of M for further testing. Hopefully might know in a week.
oh lord, you mean his comb got so frozen that it covered his nostrils? are your other cockerals having frostbite problems? my roo is still looking awful, guess he will be for a while now.
Yup you got it. I never saw him in distress breathing so I never thought to look. He had massive com. I have never seen one so big especially on a light bird, maybe one on a giant.
The Vet even commented on his giant comb. I am hoping that is all we find out. His comb being so massive and frostbitten with a ear infection. I cried when he told thinking I could have done something else for him. He reassured me that it was beyond any help even from a vet. I still feel so bad. He is having me put everyone on an antibiotic for 7 days as a precaution plus plain yogurt for the good flaura/fauna. He will be out tomorrow to look at everyone for me and show me how he wants the antibiotic given. I just love this man.

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