
Aussie... glad to hear of your Roo still alive at another barn...that is warm...no less. I thought you were culling him...but great to hear he just had a move. Oh boy LaLa...he really got frostbit on the comb. Just keep it clean when you can and apply the Neosporin. They'll also not eat well if it's infected...so that is something to keep an eye on. Feel his crop each night to be sure he's getting something. His wattles don't look too swollen and that's a good thing. This weather when it stays that cold for that long just is hard on them. With the warm up of course I cracked a window in the coop today...and I had a couple of hens wanting to sleep in the run tonight. They crack me up. I took my heat lamp out of the coop (I use for the nasty -10 and lowers) and put up one of these flat radiant heaters. I found it at Target for $39. Way safer than the lamp. Radiant heat, energy efficient, safety mechanisms (it will switch off if something's wrong-I believe) It's called Cozy Legs radiant heater. I'm not sure how well it will help in an uninsulated coop but maybe it will bring -25 or -30 up a bit more in that small space. Mounted it on the wall of my coop. Don't have to worry about space and fluttering wings knocking it around. I'll use it when I deem the weather fit for neither man nor beast. Awww, Triplell I'm sorry about your Roo passing. What a bummer. he was gorgeous too... :( Here's hoping he's got some nice sons on the way.
Bogtown, I had planned on culling him, he was just one too many rosters for my girls & so big. He had gouged the side of one last winter. Then he had frost bite so bad I wasn't sure he'd make it because he couldn't eat. I put so much into him that I just couldn't cull him. He's a nice boy too. When a cousin called to ask if I I had an extra roo, I was so happy. She needed a boy to help keep her girls in line. Got to tell you I'm glad I'm where I am. Close enough to the cities to be just a few degrees colder, but far enough not to have to deal with it if I don't want to. It gets too cold for me up your way. Hope the radiant heater works. How is your roo doing so far this year.
Yup you got it. I never saw him in distress breathing so I never thought to look. He had massive com. I have never seen one so big especially on a light bird, maybe one on a giant.
The Vet even commented on his giant comb. I am hoping that is all we find out. His comb being so massive and frostbitten with a ear infection. I cried when he told thinking I could have done something else for him. He reassured me that it was beyond any help even from a vet. I still feel so bad. He is having me put everyone on an antibiotic for 7 days as a precaution plus plain yogurt for the good flaura/fauna. He will be out tomorrow to look at everyone for me and show me how he wants the antibiotic given. I just love this man.
Poor baby. I didn't even know chickens could get ear infections. How did you know he had one? Glad your vet is coming to look at your flock, it should be reassuring. Let us know too, what you find out from the U.
Bogtown, I had planned on culling him, he was just one too many rosters for my girls & so big. He had gouged the side of one last winter. Then he had frost bite so bad I wasn't sure he'd make it because he couldn't eat. I put so much into him that I just couldn't cull him. He's a nice boy too. When a cousin called to ask if I I had an extra roo, I was so happy. She needed a boy to help keep her girls in line.

Got to tell you I'm glad I'm where I am. Close enough to the cities to be just a few degrees colder, but far enough not to have to deal with it if I don't want to. It gets too cold for me up your way. Hope the radiant heater works. How is your roo doing so far this year.
Aussie: He is doing well. No problems whatsoever with frostbite. But I kind of figured that with the parts of his comb and wattles gone that can't handle the cold, already. LOL. I actually had a hen get a bit nipped though on the back blade of her comb. Got some bag balm on her and I'm not sure how it will turn out. It looks real pale right now...not black...might be okay. IDK. It was -12 outside temp this morning. I thought about turning on that radiant heater but I left it off last night. Inside the coop it was 0 this morning. Pretty good. I'm okay with 0. I'll save that new fangled heater for the Nasty.

Oh it's so nice to hear of happy endings for some of these chickens. What an awesome outcome for your boy from last winter.
The vet just left and I have a very mild case of frostbite on a few hens. One of my ccl cockerls has frost bitten toes. Just like his daddy did. Plus my main ba roo has a cold other than that all is good. He gave me the all clear to inter mix the juniors with the adults. I will be giving everyone tetracycline for 14 days then he will be back for another check up. The ba roo is getting I injections for his cold. I asked him if the ammonia was bad or maybe to much moisture in the barn. He said no with all the air exchange from the barn being old and with me leaving a major door open during the daytime it is better than most. I felt so bad that he is refusing to.change me, so I sent him home with some eggs and boilers. He at first refused so I gave e him the older stink eye and he gave in. After all he is paying for all the testing. He is on call for Christmas so it is just him and his girlfriend.....well I Told him that They Will be over for dinner on both days. She is from out east and is on call at the hospital and his family is in southern Iowa.
The tips of his toes are turning black. His daddy used to perch on the edge of the water. Now of course the best looking one is doing the very same thing. I guess I should perhaps name them the frozen toe strain. I just have to find humor after losing JB to frostbite. I am thinking of buying some more eggs from Greenfield to have some fresh blood mixed in with mine. We are thinking of making a room that will be insulated with some heat just for these guys in the winter and for my brooders. If they are touchy about this cold I will just ha:thve to figure some out. :th
thats good news. How the heck can you tell if a foot is frostbitten?
My roo had a broken toe last winter that frost bit. I first noticed it was paler than the others and that it wasn't working properly when he scratched in the shavings. It eventually turned black and fell off about 3 months later. That was in addition to the wattles and comb on the same roo.
Lots of bonding time with that New Hamp. More than I wanted. All sorts of chickening lessons last winter....LOL.
Wow! i feel so bad for all these Minnesota chickies....humans too! it's been too dang cold! It's only one day into winter; gonna be a long one! We started out the winter with one heat lamp. we now have 3. We spend alot of time back in the coop hanging out everyday so we wanted to make sure we were comfortable as well :)
On a different note..unfortunately, having three roosters all cooped up doesn't seem to work well. Dizzy and Doodlebug went to freezer camp. The last couple days they've been beating the heck out of each other. Last night they both had bloody swollen faces and lots of head feathers missing. This morn my BF went down to check on them and they were worse. He noticed they had started picking on the littlest one and he ended it right then and there. Sad decision to make but better than having them suffer the beatings and killing eachother. Now SweetPea is king of the coop and i think he likes it. He holds his head up a little higher now. He will be a good roo; tho he hasn't crowed yet, i think he'll be brave enough to soon.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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