Miracle Chick died last night


silent stalker
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
Miracle Chick was a week old on Sunday, but for some reason that we can't determine he died in the middle of the night.

Miracle came out of the hatch where everything went wrong. Complete with a 10 hour power outage. When we did our egg-topseys, there were 9 full formed chicks that must have died when we lost power. Miracle had a little trouble walking on his hocks the first day and a half, but seemed to be strengthening up. I was a little concerned yesterday that he might not be eatting enough, but we've never only had one chick at a time so I thought maybe I was just worrying to much. To help keep him company I spent alot of time when Britt is down for his nap holding and talking to and encouraging the little guy. The only other concern we had is that we could never get the temp in the brooder up over 90, but for the last few days, I've taken his cage out in the evening with us when we sit in the shade (it's been around 95 all week in Florida). Sunday he even went exploring some in the grass. My 15 month old just lays next to the baby gate and looks into brooder and talks to him all day long. I'm just at such a lose that after all the work, and thinking we were out of the danger zone that we lost him so unexpectedly last night. Even this morning, he just looks like he's curled up in his blanket napping. I'm just broken hearted and at such a lose as to why.
I am so sorry.
I don't have any answers for you, but I hope you are OK. I am in FL too, and it has been really warm. Maybe he just had something wrong internally from the rough incubation? I am certain you did everything you could, so please don't blame yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon.
so sorry to hear about the loss of Miracle! It is amazing that Miracle hatched and survived among all the different trials it faced. So sorry you lost Miracle..
Hope the rest of your week is good...

Welcome to BYC!!!

it has been hot hot hot here in FL!!!! feels like full fledged summer!!!! our chicks are 2 weeks old and will be going out to the coop tomorrow full time...with NO light!! at 11 pm it was 80 degrees out there!!
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where in FL are you??
pssss..... Many blessings to your 31 Marans in the incubator....hoping for a full hatch rate!!
Thanks guys. I'm just so blown away, we were talking about putting him in the outdoor coop this weekend because it's so warm. I wish I knew what we messed up with this hatch so that I can be sure we don't repeat it with our Marans. sigh.

I'm about 30 mins east of Tampa, in Plant City. Home of the Strawberry Festival and where the most winter berries are grown in the US if that sounds even remotely familiar.
Well the NPIP guy will be here right shortly to check the flock for me so I better scat. Thanks again everybody.
So Sorry for you loss!!! Sometimes all we can do is try! We give them the best chance we can but ultimately it's mother nature that knows best! It sounds like he had a good ( but short) life!!! I hope you try again! I know how hard it is to lose 1 you spent so much time with. But as in most things " As long as we do our best, its all we can do!" The rest is out of our hands.

Good Luck and God Bless!
I'm up in citrus county! sorry about miracle....its crazy hot and humid and unbearable, almost humid and hot enough to hatch eggs without a bator


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