Mislabeled eggs. What might we be?


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2016
Fredericksburg VA
So I ordered 12 Speckled Sussex eggs from My Pet Chicken and when they hatched this is what they look like. I know they are not Speckled Sussex. Any ideas on what they might be? I proudly hatched 11 out of 12. One died fully mature in its unpiped egg. It was positioned correctly so not sure why. I did assist in the hatch of 5 of them. Three of them are slightly smaller and less fluffy like the one in the bottom picture, and the one standing with its wings up in the crowd. Thank you in advance!

There's a thread on the hatchery forum for my pet chicken reviews, a nice lady named Alex answers any questions or you can pm her.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Looks like I am going to have to wait till they get bigger for a better idea of what they are, as there are several breeds that look basically the same. I hope they are Buff Orpington.

Here are some updated pictures at 4 weeks old. I think they must be Buff Orpington and I think the one in the middle is a cockerel. I had 3 out of 11 who look to be cockerels.
Here are some updated pictures at 4 weeks old. I think they must be Buff Orpington and I think the one in the middle is a cockerel. I had 3 out of 11 who look to be cockerels.
You are correct, buff Orpingtons with the one rooster.

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