missing chick (just a vent) (updated)


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
W e hatched out one chick out of 15 eggs and have been keeping it in the house because the broody momma's wouldn't take it. It became very spoiled and loved to be held all night long. Well last night it cuddled down in its box and went to sleep. This morning it was gone. we called and it didn't come we looked under everything and its just gone. We have no idea where it went. we've looked everywhere. under everything. behind everything and no chick. no peeping nothing. Our rabbit was out but I don't think it would have hurt it. but we can't find a trace of the poor baby. My kids are heart broken. i'm heart broken ( after two attempts at hatching cuckoo marans I still end up with nothing) I guess i get to spend the day emptying closets and beds


Well apparenty he got hungry because he just came wandering down the hall!! silly bird! We have really got to get him a friend so he will stop wandering at night looking for us. C
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thats terrible, hope you find the chick maybe he has climbed in somewhere small similar to the broody box
YAY! You found it! I was thinking, well, if I read it right, it was in the house... there's no preadators in there that would eat it. I've had animals disapear in the house many a time. I don't worry anymore usually because they come out for food. Nothing is going to nab them while inside vs in a coop outside.

I lost a frog for a week once. Found it when my mom screamed while in the shower because it needed water and I guess climbed up the shower wall and jumped on her. Lucky she didn't smash it.
:lauGlad you found the poor baby, I once lost a box turtle in the house, talk about treading lightly, I was in fear for my toes,
chicks rule thats funny we just lost a turtle in the house as well and my youngest son found it. unfortunatly his two year old fingers squirming to try and find them was too much of a temptaion for the turtle and he bit it (I think they looked like worms to the poor starving turtle.) ha ha C
im so glad you found ur baby

i found a baby snapping turtle and put him in a tank with lots of water and he eascaped somehow and inded up in are pantry,.
so i imeditly took him to a nearby pond and letted him go

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