Hello everyone from Raymore! I'm new to the Kansas City area and looking to buy a few (2+) mature hens while I brood my new flock (25 BO's and 25 Jersey Giants arriving next week from Estes Hatchery) I'd like to start getting eggs and having a few older girls around always seemed to make it easier for the new Pullets to figure out chicken life.

Anyone willing to part with a few of their ladies, breed/age isn't too important?

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Welcome to the site, and to chickens! You'll soon fall in love with them, if you haven't already!

We have a great site here, with lots of very knowledgeable people. One heads up, though. There are those that raise them as pets, and those that raise them as providers of both eggs and meat. Depending on what you're after, that will tell you which areas of the site to go to. Some people can deal with either or both, and others want to avoid one or the other.

There are also areas for other feathered friends, too, like quail or ducks or geese or guineas. The level of knowledge here is pretty amazing, sometimes, actually! From breed-specific stuff to emergency treatment to hatching advice, you can find it here.
I'm from Swedeborg Mo. It's tiny. No high-school just one K/8 school with 60 kids. A gas station and 2 churches.

I'm not even IN Swedeborg, I'm 5 mins from it. Springfield is an hour and a half away. STL. A little over 2 hours other direction.
I'm from Swedeborg Mo. It's tiny. No high-school just one K/8 school with 60 kids. A gas station and 2 churches.

I'm not even IN Swedeborg, I'm 5 mins from it. Springfield is an hour and a half away. STL. A little over 2 hours other direction.
:welcome chat, study, ask for help, and have fun just watch out for chicken math ;)

Just south of Joplin.
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If there is anyone in the southwest Missouri area that wants any, I have a Sapphire cockerel, and an Easter Egger cockerel for free, and some Heritage RIR that aren't ;) I will also have a CL cockerel soon after I pick my two.

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