Mite infestation on broody hen 1 day before hatch

Frodo the Pekin

Jul 26, 2023
Hi! Here's yet another panicked post from my first hatch adventure. This one might be the most 'panicky' yet.
There's mites all over my broody and her nest, about one day from her duck eggs hatching. Tonight I went to check on her 2 duck eggs, both of which have externally pipped last night. And to my horror, tens of mites were soon crawling all over my arm the moment I lifted the hen. What do I do? I have a pretty sketchy powder for dog fleas and such that can be used for poultry as well, but I'm kindof scared to use that, as it might not be good for the lil ducklings. Do I not do anything and wait for them to hatch hoping for the best and then switch the bedding and treat the hen?

I'd like to add that one of the eggs has a small open hole I impulsively poked, not thinking much. More of that on this post which I need more a bit more expertise on:

I'm pretty sure the mites will climb inside of the egg, and in the other one,as soon as it pokes a hole well through the membrane by itself. So I'm really scared. Please HELP
I have used this permethrin powder on day old chicks and their mother. Didn’t seem to hurt them at all. This will end the mites. IMG_2893.jpeg
I agree; treat your broody with permethrin dust ASAP. A mite infestation can kill the ducklings quickly.

Unfortunately I have no way of getting permetherin dust for chickens where I live. I will ask around my homesteading neighborhood for a better dust than what I have but that would not really be possible either until at least tomorrow morning. I just hope the ducklings will make it out soon so I may change the bedding or even move them to brood them myself if it comes to that. But if the little bastards may get inside the eggs and kill the ducklings while they're making their way out then I'm screwed. I can't really do anything until the morning, and unfortunately I don't own a bator either to transfer them to...
I have used this permethrin powder on day old chicks and their mother. Didn’t seem to hurt them at all. This will end the mites.View attachment 3615962

View attachment 3615994
So it's in romanian but it says "ectocide", and the only thing listed about ingredients is "contains extract of Tanacetum cynerariifolium flowers 2%"

I also have this as a spray

Also the dust I have is advertised as being herbal so maybe it will be alright?

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