Mites AND lice...ugh


10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
Was collecting eggs today, and pulled out an egg....and my hand came back with several critters on it. Mites! Yuck. Checked the hens and sure enough, it's mites AND lice. I swear, it's like they just materialized overnight!

Think I'll treat with Eprinex. Anyone else? Comments? I read withdrawal times are about 2 weeks. Haven't used Eprinex before, but have used oral ivermectin.

Ugh. I'm just disgusted, lol. :0)
I recommend you use sevin dust. After you dust your chickens, dust inside their house, roost and nests. Redust everything again in 10 days, including your chickens.
I have ivermectin on hand, so I will dose the chickens with that, but will use Sevin dusting in the coop. I hate using chemicals, but I hate mites and lice more. I'll be putting out DE from now on.

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