Mites that won't die... HELP

Life cycle for northern fowl mites is 5-7 days. I'm saying if I still see mites tomorrow do I spray again?
No. That is the point of residual. I'm sorry, I don't have the directions. But treating more often than recommended will NOT give you better results. It will just subject your birds to excess chemicals and thus NOT be in accordance with the directions. Even though the life cycle the the NFM is 5-7 days, the residual should still be working for the permethrin. But the label I have has different lengths of time for re-treatment depending on the pest you are treating which is not because of it's life cycle but because of the effectiveness of the chemical on that species specifically. Some are 14 days while others is 21. So please see if it tells you on your label how often you should retreat for NFM.

I have a lot of birds as well, separate coops and such just like you describe. So we split it up into sessions as well. One group each night. The roosters, the Silkies, the full sized hens and so on. Keeping track so nobody gets treated multiple times I write it on the calendar otherwise my brain will be fried trying to recall and I won't get it right anyways. I NEED to WHEN my birds were treated and with WHAT and on what DATE. Their lives are in our hands and it's so easy to get frazzled. I didn't realize I even have to do spring butt trimming for a lot of girls. It is VERY time consuming. Hang in there...

Also, maybe consider down sizing. :oops::hit :celebrate

I recently did. Sold off 27 birds and processed most the boys. Plus sold most the ducks as well. Decided to just focus on my Silkies, Marans, and a few pet status girls. It's a difficult decision, but eventually sharing the joy of some of my birds with others prevails! :ya And even better, I'm REALLY enjoying my smaller flock! The 3 ducks now come around and check me out instead of hanging with their huge tribe and avoiding me. My pet status girls hang close on my chair or lap and chat. Less poo. Don't get me wrong.. I still have 3 ducks, 14 hens, and 8 cockerel/roosters. And there will be another outbreak of broody's and chicks wearing me down before I know it. But I am so exhausted by the end of summer from playing flock master that I just can't wait until winter comes and I can sleep a little!

Good luck. Your flock sounds beautiful! :love
I breed my silkies and ayams. My main flock is my egg flock. I did recently sell 5 hens and a dog killed 10 birds in July but I still have quite a few
I breed my silkies and ayams. My main flock is my egg flock. I did recently sell 5 hens and a dog killed 10 birds in July but I still have quite a few
So sorry for your loss. :hugs

Were you able to get their heads at all with the permethrin? I use a cotton swab or Q-tip. Also, gotta get rid of bedding and spray walls and roost and nest boxes. Maybe even the floor.

If you have done all that and still have problems then you might be dealing with some heavy resistance and need to start looking at Carbaryl or other treatments and alternate them. :( Getting a few under control I'm sure is a lot easier than dealing with an infestation. Sounds like you are dealing with an infestation. I have heard of dips and in fact had to do them when other treatments weren't working for one of my dogs. It was a long arduous process that took more than a month of dips. :barnie

Still cheering you on! :fl
Hang in there! Do as much as you can do but don't kill yourself.

Is there anyone you can call to help you? Friend? Family? Neighbor? Sometimes the hardest part is just feeling so lonely while you're doing all the work. Even turning a radio on helps.

I literally had a breakdown when we were dealing with bedbugs a few years back. Every night for 2 months -- we couldn't even sleep for more than 2 hours without getting bitten. It was horrible!
In the end we ended up throwing away 1/2 of our furniture & a bunch of clothes, shoes etc. But we survived.

You will too. Sorry you're not closer to me. I'd offer to help if we were neighbors.
I did clean the coops but I didn't get the ivermectin on the heads. I probably should have. I'm feeling so down and frustrated. I'm debating selling some stuff to hire someone to help me
I did clean the coops but I didn't get the ivermectin on the heads. I probably should have. I'm feeling so down and frustrated. I'm debating selling some stuff to hire someone to help me
Ivermectin does NOT need to be on the head. It is a systemic drug that is absorbed into the blood stream and distributed throughout the whole body. But the Permethrin probably still needs to be applied to the head since that seems to be where they are thriving.

One last treatment I can think of, also off label... is Frontline for dogs.

I feel your pain of not having anybody. We moved where I don't know any one and my adult son isn't really willing. I am fortunate enough that my daughter is willing to help and also happens to be pretty good with animals. Are you doing after they go to roost at night so you don't have to chase anybody? (That usually works anyways). Head lamps r especially helpful when you need an extra hand.

And I don't just mean clean the coops, but make sure they get treated with something. (Sorry I have to be clear instead of assuming that's part of your cleaning. Nothing left to chance in my over thinking brain!)

If you have to sell some stuff and hire someone, then it's great that you are thinking about your options! Too bad you don't have a good customer that buys your birds or eggs that would appreciate the opportunity to learn something about keeping chickens and maybe just plan a trade.

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