

In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2022
Can electorpsp psp Be applied to the chicken run safely? I hit the coop last week, and it worked in 2 days. BUT, I noticed the Mites in the run while loading their feed containers. The Mites are on the ground in the run, on and around the feeders.

I’ve read the label, and it says you can. However, it says remove the feeders, Likely to not contaminate feed. The birds knock feed onto the ground in the run where I would like to spray, so that’s my concern here. I’ve also read that spinosads she sprayed on food crops with no harm. So can anyone clarify a little more here?

IOW, Is it safe to spray the ground of the run where there is feed that they may eat?

If not what would work? I tried neem oil. That did not work.

Also, electorpsp can be rotated with permethrin. I have 13.3 %
martins. I’ve seen 5.5 Oz per gallon for a .5% dilution. Is that the correct dilution?

Yes, you can use the elector in the coop also. When dealing with mites, you have to treat the birds and the coop to get them. Remove all bedding and nesting material and dispose of it (burn it if possible, if not then bag it securely and get rid of it), spray the entire coop, getting into all nooks and crannies. Once dry, replace bedding and nesting material with fresh. Some mites hide in the coop and come out at night to feed on the birds. Elector PSP is supposed to work with one treatment, but depending on coop construction, and places they can hide, you might want to do a follow up treatment weekly (clean out, discard and spray) until you are sure they are gone.
Rake or sweep up spilled feed as much as possible, I never put food inside the coop because they spill it everywhere, all my feeders are in the run. Only time I ever have food in the coop is if I have to lock them in for weather (hurricanes).
Permethrin is good also, use the dilution instructions on your product, it should have different instructions for use on the birds and use on the premises, different brands may have differing strengths and different dilution instructions.
I surely don't know about mite treatment - but wanted to ask if that's your photo of your birds? OMG ADORABLE! Please DO enter it for picture of the week submissions!
edited to add: No, seriously? That's an AI image, isn't it? You got me!:lau
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Yes, you can use the elector in the coop also. When dealing with mites, you have to treat the birds and the coop to get them. Remove all bedding and nesting material and dispose of it (burn it if possible, if not then bag it securely and get rid of it), spray the entire coop, getting into all nooks and crannies. Once dry, replace bedding and nesting material with fresh. Some mites hide in the coop and come out at night to feed on the birds. Elector PSP is supposed to work with one treatment, but depending on coop construction, and places they can hide, you might want to do a follow up treatment weekly (clean out, discard and spray) until you are sure they are gone.
Rake or sweep up spilled feed as much as possible, I never put food inside the coop because they spill it everywhere, all my feeders are in the run. Only time I ever have food in the coop is if I have to lock them in for weather (hurricanes).
Permethrin is good also, use the dilution instructions on your product, it should have different instructions for use on the birds and use on the premises, different brands may have differing strengths and different dilution instructions.
Thanks much. food is in the run, but they toppled the feeder. And the floor is horse pellets which are now compacted. So hard to separat.

going to put feeder on a cookie sheet for a few days in a diff area, let them clean up excess feed. Sweep it out, and spray elector when they are in the coop at night

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