Mix and Match Breeds?


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2023
Atlanta, GA
We're planning on doing some backyard chickens, our local feed and supply store will be getting chicks soon and has released their schedule with breeds and I had a few questions. Due to local ordinances we can have a max of 6 chickens, so my question is about mix and matching breeds. We were thinking of getting 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Speckled Sussex and 2 Light Brahma. So my question is will 2 of each of these breeds get along just fine with one another? or should I narrow it down to 3 of one breed and 3 of another? or just all 6 of the same breed? Lastly the other breeds they have avail is Buff Orpingtons, as a substitute, if one of the other breeds doesn't quite get along with one of the previously mentions. Who knew chicken shopping would be so difficult or am I just over thinking this?

For my crew, my Sussex and Brahma are at the bottom of the pecking order. I have no bully, they are just the least assertive. Barred Rocks are known to be friendly but not pushovers, Orpingtons are generally not bullies at all and do well in a mixed flock. Based on my own experience (and nothing more), I would get 2 Brahmas, 2 Sussex, 1 Orpington and 1 barred rock. Personalities can vary and there are always exceptions, so this is just my two cents based on a very small sample size!
We're planning on doing some backyard chickens, our local feed and supply store will be getting chicks soon and has released their schedule with breeds and I had a few questions. Due to local ordinances we can have a max of 6 chickens, so my question is about mix and matching breeds. We were thinking of getting 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Speckled Sussex and 2 Light Brahma. So my question is will 2 of each of these breeds get along just fine with one another? or should I narrow it down to 3 of one breed and 3 of another? or just all 6 of the same breed? Lastly the other breeds they have avail is Buff Orpingtons, as a substitute, if one of the other breeds doesn't quite get along with one of the previously mentions. Who knew chicken shopping would be so difficult or am I just over thinking this?

While all chickens can be inquisitive, my barred rocks are down right nosy. They are constantly under my feet, jumping up on containers for a better look at the treats I’m trying to distribute, inspecting the eggs in the basket. I’ve named them Curiosity and Nosy Rosy. 🐥😆
I have an 18-chicken flock made up of 12 different breeds. Everyone gets along fine.

Here's what I've got:

1 Barred Rock
1 Brahma
1 Cochin
1 Naked Neck
1 Appenzellar Spitzhauben
1 Leghorn
1 Sebright
1 Legbar
2 Silkies
2 Orpingtons
2 Polish
4 Easter Eggers

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