Mixed breed ducks!

This is a pic of my pastel X with a gray call duck. CANT BELIVE I GOT ONE!!!!!!!
actually that is a yellow bellied call duck and no its not yours it belongs a winner of the national poultry show in the uk on there website.
Here's my mystery duck. She's from a rescue (who now knows I'm a sucker for abandoned domestic ducklings!) and I don't know the mix... She's quite small, although she's grown a little since she moved in ;)

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Here's my mystery duck. She's from a rescue (who now knows I'm a sucker for abandoned domestic ducklings!) and I don't know the mix... She's quite small, although she's grown a little since she moved in

She is gorgeous,I wouldn't even attempt a guess on breeds but bless you for taking her in she looks very healthy. and what ever her breeds she is a lovely color

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I'm about to possibly have some. I thought I'd get 100% snowy mallards, but I just saw my buff drake having his way with one of my snowy girls, and even though he's my only non-snowy mallard drake, he's the alpha male.

One of my ameraucanas has been incubating the eggs thinking they were her own, and they're due to hatch any day. I'm not sure what to expect.
Three of my four have now hatched. They definitely don't look like full snowy mallard, so their dad is my buff drake. They're so cute!

Should they be looking like this?

The dad is a buff drake, and mom/s is/are snowy mallards. None of these really look like mom or dad as ducklings apart from Sterling (the smallest). Is this normal, or is it all a sort of crap shoot?

I currently don't have mixed breed but I did have a question. The mixed breeds do they still produce eggs? Are there pros and cons? I ask because I have 4 Rouen's and 1 Indian runner who currently is to young for me to tell the sex but was wondering if anyone has had Rouen's and runners mate?

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