MJ's little flock

I would wait for a few days before deciding it doesn't work and making other changes. None of the hens actually used the new configuration - they were too surprised. And older hens need more time to adjust to changes, like people, I think šŸ¤”.
I will not be able to make any more changes until the weekend, work being what it is, so I will continue monitoring until then.
I would wait for a few days before deciding it doesn't work and making other changes. None of the hens actually used the new configuration - they were too surprised. And older hens need more time to adjust to changes, like people, I think šŸ¤”.
I agree. Katie and Peggy still haven't worked out how to open the treadle feeders and it must be a year since I introduced the first one. They both need a friend to open it up. Usually Edie, Christa or Mary are willing to tolerate Katie or Peggy getting in on the action.
The renderer was here today! To inspect and discuss the job. He's going to call the builder after easter to make a date for the work.

The painter was expected today for the same purpose but he couldn't make it.

I might as well settle in for a long wait.

Just as well I'm approaching "hair on fire" time at work, I won't have the space to think about the house.
but I haven't seen a mouse since I took away that open tray feeder. Ssshhh don't tell the rodent population.

I put the feeder back out at roosting hour in case additional snacks are needed. Then it gets put in a tightly sealed galvanised bin for 23 hours.
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