Molting, behavioral, or medical? Loss of wing feathers.


Nov 29, 2016
Elberta, AL
hi! I have 5 Rouen drakes that a local farmer didn’t want so I took them in. They get along in groups (one pair & one trio). Some of you are aware I’m having health issues with my hens, and I want to be sure the drakes are in the clear. They aren’t housed together but just a fence in between. They used to share the big yard a few hours a day until the hens’ health issues began. They are probably getting close to a year old. Two have each had an issue with one of their legs from a young age. Niacin didn’t help it. They just wobble a little more when they walk, but otherwise are fine. One of these was the runt. Two days ago, I moved them to a bigger pen in a new section of the yard. In their old pen, I started noticing a lot of feathers in their pen & pool a week or so ago. I could tell the runt was lower on feathers, but never see anyone pick on him & he doesn’t excessively groom that I’ve noticed. He has always had a tendency to pant more than the others. I assume a congenital issue of some sort but idk. He was panting again yesterday. And today I heard what sounded like a vomiting noise & he was doing something in his water bowl that made this noise. Does this sound familiar to anyone?? I have never noticed this before but I don’t see them drink out of this bowl as much as I see them in the pool. Saw him unable to get out of their pool tonight and it was filled to the top almost. He normally can get out on his own. When he was flapping his wings, I noticed all the pin feathers. He has pretty much no wing feathers, but he does have pin feathers coming back in. Would just one Drake be molting so far? I don’t think just one would be having issues with mites or anything. They swim all the time. And it’s only his wings. Should I investigate more or is this normal? They all lost their green heads & bright colors a few months back. When I try to grab him, he gets freaked out so I try not to stress him unnecessarily. Very food motivated & happily playing & grooming (normally) in the pool earlier.
What issues are your hens (chickens? Or ducks?) having?
Can you take some photos?
The hens (chickens) have been having eggs issues essentially. One with suspected salpingitis that’s improving, one with egg laying/calcium issues & a random bout of really weird poop & sickly behavior that doxycycline fixed (but still soft eggs even with supplemental calcium). But both have been on baytril or doxycycline for over 3 weeks (One has been back & forth since the last week of July tackling the salpingitis). Just started the rooster on baytril today as a precautionary measure.
Before we knew about the salpingitis, the vet mentioned suspecting mycoplasma, adenovirus, or something else. But hasn’t mentioned it since. I bought Denagard just in case.
I will try to get some pictures tomorrow. He looks normal to me aside from the wing feathers.
I am sure all birds can molt at different times. I know my chickens do not all molt at the same time.
Do the drakes ever try to mate one another? Do you notice any aggression that would cause feathers to be missing?
I am sure all birds can molt at different times. I know my chickens do not all molt at the same time.
Do the drakes ever try to mate one another? Do you notice any aggression that would cause feathers to be missing?
The drakes do fight & attempt to mate on occasion, but I’ve actually noticed less fighting lately. And way more feathers missing than when they were fighting regularly.
My duck pool looks like one of my ducks was plucked and eaten right now. Both of my two year old drakes are molting their wing feathers so there are large feathers floating on the water. One of my drakes is ahead of the other. So, I suspect that is what you have as well. Certainly it wouldn’t hurt to watch him for bullying or disease but I bet he’s just ahead on molting. :)

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