Molting, behavioral, or medical? Loss of wing feathers.

My duck pool looks like one of my ducks was plucked and eaten right now. Both of my two year old drakes are molting their wing feathers so there are large feathers floating on the water. One of my drakes is ahead of the other. So, I suspect that is what you have as well. Certainly it wouldn’t hurt to watch him for bullying or disease but I bet he’s just ahead on molting. :)
Oh my - me too!! My yard and pond look like we had an early snow!
My duck pool looks like one of my ducks was plucked and eaten right now. Both of my two year old drakes are molting their wing feathers so there are large feathers floating on the water. One of my drakes is ahead of the other. So, I suspect that is what you have as well. Certainly it wouldn’t hurt to watch him for bullying or disease but I bet he’s just ahead on molting. :)
I tend to agree with you! That’s what my gut tells me. I’m just extra paranoid bc of the chicken issues. I still have a chicken in the hospital (my bathroom!), so I’m on high alert for illness. ;)
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Oh my - me too!! My yard and pond look like we had an early snow!
Okay now I feel much better!! My yard has definitely been looking as though I should have a missing duck!

I have to say...I Love this forum! Everyone here is always so willing to help!! I wish I was knowledgeable enough to be helpful in return. ;)
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Okay now I feel much better!! My yard has definitely been looking as though I should have a missing duck!

I have to say...I Love this forum! Everyone here is always so willing to help!! I wish I was knowledgeable enough to be helpful in return. ;)
Greatest forum ever! I’m not sure my ducks would have survived the first month if it wasn’t for all the nice folks on BYC! You’re already being helpful just by starting a thread that others can learn from :highfive:
Greatest forum ever! I’m not sure my ducks would have survived the first month if it wasn’t for all the nice folks on BYC! You’re already being helpful just by starting a thread that others can learn from :highfive:
You’re very sweet! :hugs I’m good at asking lots of questions. ;)
I am in the same boat! Have always said I’m not sure I would have any yardbirds left if it weren’t for BYC! I happened upon it on a web search & I’m so glad I did.
This is the best photo I could get before the downpour started this morning. :oops:
A6E46C55-3CC2-4EB6-8B42-21B7CA1C6340.jpeg C424A974-3FC6-47DF-BE7A-987B513A433A.jpeg
The wings look normal except for one. Can you please post another picture of the duck in the first picture, please. Rear view. It doesn't look normal from this view.
If you zoom in hopefully you can see all the white pin feathers. He has a whole new row coming in! His behavior is much more normal today. Lots of little feathers in the pool since this morning. But if it was him at least he was able to get out!


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