Molting, behavioral, or medical? Loss of wing feathers.

Re: the vomiting noise you mentioned - did he have his beak in the water dish? My ducks make a weird underwater sneeze noise when they're clearing out their nares.
YES! I wondered if that’s what he was doing. It sounds like my dog when she’s about to throw up. :sick So that’s a normal thing? I was hoping it didn’t mean he had a sinus issue.
I discovered that the more submissive duck in the other pen has some pen feathers showing too! (Pic below)
So I bet my yard is about to be covered in feathers!
Here’s a better picture of the first drake’s pin feathers also:
Perfectly normal! :) It's a terrible noise, but they're just cleaning the dirt out of their nares.

Also - your ducks look better than my flock at the moment! I have a poor hen who looks like someone started plucking her and just gave up halfway through. Fingers crossed for some new feathers soon so they can all stop looking so goofy.
Perfectly normal! :) It's a terrible noise, but they're just cleaning the dirt out of their nares.

Also - your ducks look better than my flock at the moment! I have a poor hen who looks like someone started plucking her and just gave up halfway through. Fingers crossed for some new feathers soon so they can all stop looking so goofy.
That’s such a relief!! I can’t believe I’ve never heard that before. :) I spend so much time watching them.
Aww I bet your half naked girl is adorable. ;)

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