*MOLTING/MOULTING BIRD CONTEST*Ended 9-30-08*Results on page 5!!

The results are IN!!! This was way hard, I'm really glad I had other judges to help me, Thanks to Kesta and ChickenLover98 for their help!!

Now on to the WINNERS!

Third Place goes to......Tuffoldhen's Splash Orpington! What a bird!


Second Place goes to......Chickenlady's Unknown Breed! Congratulations!


And finally, our winner, the most molty of all, the one and only UGLY from ItsSuzzie......
I hope she has feathers by now!! It's getting chilly at night up here in the North!!

I will PM the winners for your mailing addresses, I hope everyone had as much fun looking at the contest as I did keeping an eye on the show! Sorry it took so long to post results today - We are locking down and trying to see if we can trap more skunks!!

Congratulations winners! Your chickens might be ugly, but you're all winners! ha!

And that last chicken is so dang ugly that it's cute!

(my hubby would still freak though, if it were my chicken)
Thanks guys! That was fun and now I know she wasn't so bad from seeing pics of the other winners!!

I have the EXACT same hen !!

I have been SO upset with the Breeder that I bought this frazzle from, since the moulting started! Didn't think it was normal moulting, until I started looking at the forum and have found many photos with naked hens
.... not sure which face to keep !

My girl's pin feathers have JUST started coming in this week, so I am excited to see if she will look a little better than before her moult ...... could the frazzle actually DISAPPEAR !!!!! ???????? hope hope hope .......

{still have a broken camera, so no current photos}


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I know I am late but can not resist in putting my poor hen in this contest! Spring will be 2 and half years old, 100% Calicowood lines.


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So I see all these old pics of molting(doing homework b4 asking questions) and I'm not sure if this bird is molting or something else, it was recently given to me and is currently in quarintine seems to dust alot in the dirt? Bare back and around the base of her tail. The women down the road that gave her to me does'nt take the best care of her girls I often see way dirty waterers ect. She gave it to me because she said she had been real standoffish and wasn't laying anymore. This has happened in the 6days that i've had her, the loss of feathers that is...I see moulting to be more patchy not full nude back with other feathers intact and full? And she is still laying big blue tinted eggs. She is an aracauna.


So I ask the same ole question. Is this moulting?
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gosh it looks like some one plucked her. i dont think that is molting at all, either a rooster is mounting her heavily or someone plucked her, does she have any mites , lice?
Well I'm not sure wouldnt think so anymore cause I 7 dusted her before bringing her on my property
Bad thing is I did'nt really check first just always do it? I looked around her eyes and don't see any signs? Thanks W.C.

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