

In the Brooder
Oct 21, 2023
I have 52 chickens and since June 1 they have dropped their egg production down to either 5 to 11 a day. It is October 21 and they are still doing it. There are feathers everywhere. I am not for sure what happen to them. Can food do this? Our store had a sale on 18% feed and I bought a whole bunch and it seems like since I did this they went into molting mode. I have since raise it to 22% egg producting supplement and still the same. Please help me.
I have 52 chickens and since June 1 they have dropped their egg production down to either 5 to 11 a day. It is October 21 and they are still doing it. There are feathers everywhere. I am not for sure what happen to them. Can food do this? Our store had a sale on 18% feed and I bought a whole bunch and it seems like since I did this they went into molting mode. I have since raise it to 22% egg producting supplement and still the same. Please help me.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow If they're molting, they won't lay generally, and molting can take months. Food doesn't cause molting, it's the age or season usually. But giving them higher protein will help them while growing feathers back.

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I have 52 chickens and since June 1 they have dropped their egg production down to either 5 to 11 a day. It is October 21 and they are still doing it. There are feathers everywhere. I am not for sure what happen to them. Can food do this? Our store had a sale on 18% feed and I bought a whole bunch and it seems like since I did this they went into molting mode. I have since raise it to 22% egg producting supplement and still the same. Please help me.
Welcome to BYC!! They’ll molt their feathers and grow them all back eventually. Mine typically did it once or twice a year each. They do slow egg production during this time, but it’s normal. :)
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Yes it's molting season, that time of year when chickens replace their old feathers, laying slows to a crawl or stops all together. They will pick back up when they are done growing in new feathers and the days begin to lengthen again.

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