
It's March.our new hens may/June last year look like they are gng thru a molt. Is this normal?
I have a buff orington hen who is going on 2 years old in November, I bought her at the feed store with an EE and a barred rock all as chicks. My EE and barred rock started molting around September of last year but my Buff Orpington didn't, she still has the same old feathers and they are all in really bad conditions. Will she ever go thru a molt or are her feathers just going to fall off and is she going bald??
I have 3 RIR and 2 of them molted in late winter and now my 3 rd RIR is molting in June alone and she is fine. I knew someone was molting with all the feathers in the coop and egg production went from 2 to 3 to 1 back to 3 I never knew what to expect. Just thought I would share.
Most adult chickens of the northern hemisphere are in the process of replacing wing flight feathers. These feathers are large and not consumed so lost making their loss obvious. Their replacement will not be complete until late fall. By early fall replacement of all feather types will begin in earnest and typically egg production takes a hit around them. Loss of body and tail feathers now indicative of stress. Egg production and high temperature can be be stressors in addition to the usual parasites, disease, and social issues. You can compensate in part through enhanced nutrition re-organizing the how social groups are housed.
I have a barred rock who is currently going thru a hard molt. She will not leave the roost on her own since she does not want the rooster to mate her. I bring her inside to a large box where she has food and water. She just sleeps and stands around most of the day. If she shakes feathers fly everywhere. Today I noticed new feathers coming in on her bum. Her wings and back are starting to have feather growth. She is 3 years old and this is her first major molt. Is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable? she seems miserable.
This is certainly her third major molt. It is not always pronounced as she is currently experiencing. Try increasing her protein intake by addition of some grower feed to her diet. Isolating her will make for a better appearance once feathers all in. It might be more cost effective to isolate the rooster instead.
This is certainly her third major molt. It is not always pronounced as she is currently experiencing. Try increasing her protein intake by addition of some grower feed to her diet. Isolating her will make for a better appearance once feathers all in. It might be more cost effective to isolate the rooster instead.
She has molted before this is the first time in 3 years she has been bald on her back, belly, butt and half her wings. All her tail feathers are out. She currently has neck feathers and some wing feathers and a few on her sides. She looks like the opposite of a naked neck. Which we also have. She like being inside away from the hub bub not to mention the extra treats.
A lot of mine are molting as well. Bare bottoms, barely any neck feathers, wings and sides. I see some growing new feathers but others aren't yet. Some that are molting are being picked on too
been free ranging more, increasing protein and putting on "no more peck" to help. Ugh I hate when this happens!
My BO's are Molting now and it's funny cause every time they shake their feathers all go flying all over. Looks like I plucked chickens in the back yard!! Blonde feathers all over.

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