Momma chickens feeding baby chicks layer feed


10 Years
Jun 27, 2009
Hi All, I'm new to this forum and new to raising baby chicks. We got some day old chicks and slipped them under a broody hen. We keep them all free range so have not separated them off from the rest of the flock. The chicks are now about a week old and I've noticed the mother taking the layer feed out of the feeder (that I suspended just high enough to keep the chicks out) and dropping it to feed the chicks. I do have starter chick feed and waterers available to the little ones at ground level. I was wondering if it is ok for the little chicks to eat the layer feed. I know there are other additions to the layer feed than what is in the starter feed. Thanks everyone!
No, no. Get the layer out of the feeder and replace with starter. The starter is fine for the hens. The layer is NOT fine for the chicks. Too much calcium, which is harmful to their kidneys.

The hens can catch up on their calcium later. Supposedly, if you offer oyster shell, the hens but not the chicks will eat ir.
Do not let them eat the layer feed! As has been said, it is very bad for their kidneys.

If you're concerned about the hens' calcium levels, leave some oyster shell out. From my experience, my young chickens have only ever sampled the oyster shell, and basically ignored it.
Thank you both for your advice! My chickies should do much better now

I can't believe how cute they can be!!


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