Momma did WHAT??????

:rant :mad:

No, seriously, that's alright, 'cause me and the hennies played in the snow today and it was fun. :lol: There was a mound of snow in the chicken yard from where I shoveled it for the girls yesterday (there was almost a foot of snow; if I hadn't shoveled they would have sat in the coop all day), so I carved a cave into one side of the mound and made steps up to a platform in the other side. The hennies weren't too sure about that cave, but were glad to hop up onto the snow platform and view the world from a different angle. Then I discovered that the snow had hardened enough overnight that the hens could walk on top of it, so I was putting them up there and they were exploring around. Me and Biddy-bird collaborated to craft a ramp so she and the other girls could go up there any time they wanted. :D (Haha, yeah... :oops: )

9 weeks and 4 days 'til the babies are here. Some months after that, I'll be playing with them in the snow, too. :lol:

It's my understanding that the crest develops differently in the males than it does in the females. How does Victor Victoria's compare to (Elizabeth?)'s? I don't know. As I said, I've had some girls that had pretty hefty combs. Have you asked the Sultan people? They'd probably know better. :confused:

(No, I didn't get pictures. I was supposed to be doing my morning chicken chores so that I could get back in and help my mom babysit my niece and nephew. :oops: It was funny, though, we had some fries left over from last night, so I was tossing them to the girls this morning. One of my barred rock girls, Kate, went up on the snow platform with a fry she had grabbed to get away from the other hens wrestling over the fries. Then she stood up there and bocked at me whenever she finished a fry to let me know she needed another. :lol: )
thats funny.

Yea, the Sultan thread girls and I have been discussing her/him/it... there's a chance it could be a female yet. the comb is not as red as theirs was at 4 1/2 weeks. so far the hair doo's look similar though.
How is Victor Victoria looking today? Also, do you have any new pictures of the others? Those Wyandotte girls were looking lovely in their last photo shoot. :)

My harp teacher was sick today, so mom and I decided to have some fun and toured the nearby feed stores that are selling chicks. :lol: 3 TSCs, a Big R and a Rural King in 3 hours.

I know ONE that I'm never going to again. One of those TSCs was a very small one and we could smell the chicks before we could see them. They had so many chicks in some of their bins that they actually were having to Blu-Kote them for feather-picking. One bin of red sexlinks was so full that they literally couldn't move. We left immediately and don't plan to ever revisit the place.

One TSC (which was MUCH better) had THE. CUTEST. BANTAMS. EVER. They looked like duckwing and silver duckwing OEGBs maybe? Anyway, they kept stretching out with one foot out, and then they'd all totter to their feet and look up with their teeny little eyes. SO tempting...

Big R had Easter-eggers with HUGE beards already! :love And their minimum was only 4 chicks... Even MORE tempting! They had Light Brown Leghorns, too, which is one of the breeds I've ordered, so it was nice to see what to expect of that little one. :)

Rural King had a pretty sparse selection, but they had EEs that were chipmunk-marked and ones that were red/yellow. Could only tell them from the red sexlinks by the beards. So cute. :love

Finally, our good ol' local TSC, which has always been the best as far as care of their chicks. One of their little golden Sebright bantams had gotten stuck on its back, so we were standing there rooting for him until he finally managed to flip back over. They had mostly the same bantams as the other TSC, too. And their Pekin ducks were on sale. Those guys had grown since we last were there! :eek: Like little duck-billed dinosaurs!

Needless to say, we're lucky not to have come home with some baby bantams. :love :lol: I'll have chicks of my own in 9 weeks and 3 days. :D

(I hope you don't mind that I ramble here. I figure my fellow crazy chicken people wouldn't mind hearing about my chickeny adventures. :lol: )
Fishnet if Victor is a rooster are you going to get your husband around him more so you won't have a repeat of having another man hating rooster? If your husband objects then remind him he doesn't need another rooster who wants to chase him around even if Victor is half thee size of Bird.

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