
Yahoo!! I got the "chicks" (10 weeks) out in the coop today. No more chickens in my house
, well at least for now, more chicks hatching in 2 weeks, but weather should be better and I'll get them out sooner.
We got all the fields worked and ready for planting, we were out working the fields untill 11pm both Fri and Sat, but its good to have that part done. Now we need to get the seed in the ground and hope for rain.
My BF and I drove through the area that was hit so hard by the fire last year and its so sad to see all the homes that were lost and all the clean up that still needs to be done, I hope we get more rain this spring, I would hate to see another fire season like last year.
Hope everybody is happy outside!!!
I've been feeding Lakeland since I moved here in 2010, and I haven't been happy with the quality in the last few months =/ More fines in my pellets, and the last batch of Rabbit Habit was VERY light green as opposed to the normal vibrant color I expect from fresh, local feed. I'm going to be switching brands.
I know the hay we cut last season has started to get pretty pale in the shed...if you want Montana locally-grown and fresh in March you might have to find a hydroponic fodder setup.
FlySammyJ- The hay in my barn is green... Especially the alfalfa. Hay that doesn't get sun bleached doesn't turn the color of green of that feed I got. I just cleaned out the rabbit barn and the amount of the pale feed they wasted from the last bag is spectacular. And more than the color, the amount of dust/fines is infuriating. I know what their feed quality usually is, even in March, and this wasn't it. So either this was an off batch, or they're dropping in quality. I have a new bag to open tomorrow, so I'll report back.

And I'm working of Fodder system plans, actually.

Bred the buns today, and will rebreed tonight. Looking forward to babies! I need to get out some feelers to see if any local 4Hers are interested in Silver Fox rabbits for their project.

I'm re-doing the bunny barn, hanging the new 4 hole cage tomorrow :) Woohoo! I love spring. Next, new nest boxes for the buns and chickens, then to start on the breeding pen setup. Animals are a lot of work...
I've been moving some of my chicks out to the teenagers' coop. Still have 30+ chicks which range from newly hatched to 6 weeks in the house. I am really ready to have them all out in the coops soon, but I still have eggs hatching,
so I guess I will have to keep putting out groups throughout the spring as they grow big enough.
My house is full of chicken dust! I can write my name on furniture everywhere.
I wish I had a place to have incubators and brooders besides the house... maybe someday.
Reptile Mom- I'm using my mud room right now =/ Chick dust is disgusting. If I tried bringing them into the house, I think my husband would have a conniption. It's really crazy warm here, so hopefully everyone can brood in my big trough setup in the hay barn next month!

My NYDH chicks are out with the flock- have been since they were 7ish weeks I think(?). I try to break them of needing artificial heat around 6 weeks normally, but it was freezing still. They sleep in a doghouse together, being guarded by my Muscovy duckling I hatched last year. It's cute :)
I opened the pop door on the chicks pen when I got home from work, and a few of them were brave enough to go out, the rest sat in the door with their heads sticking out. I don't work tomorrow, so I'll have the pop door open for them all day, and see how they do.
I'm going to candle my eggs tonight, I can't wait till tomorrow. All but 4 of these eggs were shipped, so I hope I have at least a few good ones.
I opened the pop door on the chicks pen when I got home from work, and a few of them were brave enough to go out, the rest sat in the door with their heads sticking out. I don't work tomorrow, so I'll have the pop door open for them all day, and see how they do.
I'm going to candle my eggs tonight, I can't wait till tomorrow. All but 4 of these eggs were shipped, so I hope I have at least a few good ones.
Hope those eggies are doing well!!
I opened the pop door on the chicks pen when I got home from work, and a few of them were brave enough to go out, the rest sat in the door with their heads sticking out. I don't work tomorrow, so I'll have the pop door open for them all day,  and see how they do.
I'm going to candle my eggs tonight, I can't wait till tomorrow. All but 4 of these eggs were shipped, so I hope I have at least a few good ones. 
what kind of eggs?
Not sure what fertility god hit my place but everyone wants to sit on eggs . I'm down to 4 egg layers for the last two weeks :lol: seems every chicken wants to sit on eggs, and all are mad as heck when I take them. I'm going to need more fertile eggs, anyone close have barred rock, buff rock, heck any kind of rock lol, mixed rock? Ugh more chicks less eggs

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