
We're out prepping to re-do our perimeter fencing with steel woven wire field fence and clearing the pasture areas of wood chunks to let the grass grow better. Fun fun. I'll be candling the incubator eggs tonight. Hoping for a good hatch :)
Sounds like your all so busy, Flysam can not wait to see your coop! Better get started its spring time lol
Well my broody did it again, got off her eggs and onto the non fertile ones. Ugh makes me mad. Any ways I guess I will just break her broodiness. I should have crated her, but did not have an extra one around. Either that or try again, not sure what to do yet. If memory serves me she was not the smartest mom onthe world, my true broody mama was amazing and when she passed I was heart sick. My other broody is doing well, I tried to move her but she would not have it. I'm going to try again just in case, I hate to loose another 10 eggs. Sounds like you guys got cold and snow, here we got a skiff and that's it, put the heat lamp on a few days and no problems.
Heading out to get our pullets this weekend, Bonnie, I can not tell you how grateful I am . Made it easier for us not have to raise chicks lol. The coop looked small, but it's more then big enough, I love the big roost, the nest boxes are awesome and will be great for a broody as its on the ground but there real big. I need to pain the inside of it, but will wait until summer. Also paint the out side, but again not right now. Tonight we will move it and then put the large kennel around it. Of course mom will let them run around the yard every day so they can munch on grass. Now all I have to do is collect my pullets from cackleberry coop. 3 RIR and RIR mix. Off to make dinner, stay warm everyone, we get a whole new storm this weekend :rolleyes:
Here is the show book for the May 4th Sanctioned Poultry Show.

We have three licensed APA/ABA judges for both shows.

Youth are encouraged to participate in the various activities including showmanship, fun games and activities. Birds entered by youth will be judged on their merits as described in the Standard of Perfection.

The show is open and free to the public. There will be beautiful birds to look at, chicks to purchase. Quality Silent auction and raffle items. Poultry equipment and supplies will be for sale. Food and beverages available.

Three workshops on a variety of poultry topics are also free and open to the public.

Saturday, May 4. 9 - 4
Ravalli Fairgrounds, Poultry Barn
Questions??? Please call Laura at 273-4645
Just bought our second 50 lb. bag of chick starter medicated crumbles and two more baby cakes at Big R today. Our 13 one-month-old chicks have already gone through about 35 lbs of crumbles and devoured their first baby cake! Figuring we have enough chick starter now to last for another month (65 lb), would you folks recommend switching to another type of feed after the chick starter is gone? I read the instructions for the layer feed and they said not to start until 16 weeks. Would you feed just the chick starter for the first four months, or revise/supplement?

Fairly recent pic of one of our two gray barred rocks. They are two of the tamest chicks we have and will eat right out of your hand. Good flyers too!
Just bought our second 50 lb. bag of chick starter medicated crumbles and two more baby cakes at Big R today. Our 13 one-month-old chicks have already gone through about 35 lbs of crumbles and devoured their first baby cake! Figuring we have enough chick starter now to last for another month (65 lb), would you folks recommend switching to another type of feed after the chick starter is gone? I read the instructions for the layer feed and they said not to start until 16 weeks. Would you feed just the chick starter for the first four months, or revise/supplement? Fairly recent pic of one of our two gray barred rocks. They are two of the tamest chicks we have and will eat right out of your hand. Good flyers too!
flock grower raiser is what I do. I do not do medicated, :) your babies are growing and eating a lot ! He is adorable!
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Was doing some feed research and came across Mintana Mills in Billings:'s not a typo, apparently the owner moved from Minnesota. Google wasn't having any of it, kept "correcting" to Montana...
Anyway, has anyone ever used this company?
Was doing some feed research and came across Mintana Mills in Billings:'s not a typo, apparently the owner moved from Minnesota. Google wasn't having any of it, kept "correcting" to Montana... Anyway, has anyone ever used this company?
. Well there web site is much to e desired, no help. I was seeing on there web site organic egg layer shavings? What in the heck is that? Never heard of these guys. Interesting
DuginMt, you could go on Grower when your started is gone, I was feeding Flock Raiser to everyone for a while, its higher protein, but don't really know if that high of protein is good for the chickens long term.
FlySammyJ, I checked with Mintanamills a while back when I was looking for a place that would do a mill mix for me, they only sell bagged foods and price isn't any better than anyone else. I also checked with WestFeeds, they are only open 9-5 M-F. (makes it hard for working people) and they are higher than TSC on feeds.
I do miss Minnesota for the ability to get a better selection of feed. (But thats the only thing I miss)
FlySammyJ, I checked with Mintanamills a while back when I was looking for a place that would do a mill mix for me, they only sell bagged foods and price isn't any better than anyone else. I also checked with WestFeeds, they are only open 9-5 M-F. (makes it hard for working people) and they are higher than TSC on feeds.
I do miss Minnesota for the ability to get a better selection of feed. (But thats the only thing I miss)

I just hate it when distributors name themselves after the means of production, and then act like you're the one being strange when you're disappointed they don't actually MILL things.
Karla, I have a client who has a really nice coop he wants to sell. He also said he would deliver. I can get pics for you. Let me know!
Sorry, haven't been on for a while. Back to work and lots of chicks! :)

Thanks, Tammee

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