
I have four broody hens one out in the grass somewhere and the other three in the only three nest boxes I have. I need to build new nest boxes, but its a really small chicken house as it is. any recommendations for temporary nest boxes?
I heard 5-gallon buckets on their side, with about 2/3 of the lid cut out (leave the locking ring in place) work well. Leaving part of the lid works like a lip to hold the bedding in place. You could use some rocks in the bottom to keep them from blowing around or stake/tie them down in some other way.

Also, milk crates work great, or even a cardboard box, but you would have to replace it after a couple of rains. Good luck!
I've used small dog crates, the plastic kind, and also the covered cat litter boxes work great. I just put straw or shavings in them and the girls go right in.
I've used small dog crates, the plastic kind, and also the covered cat litter boxes work great. I just put straw or shavings in them and the girls go right in.
I would love to find one broody hen to come live at my coop -- a large breed. The only one I have is a banty who goes broody all the time. She is in the process of hatching out one egg as I type this. -- I am so excited !! It's not her egg, but she doesn't care. Wish she were a lot bigger to be able to sit on about 6 eggs at least.

I have two BO's who have never shown any interest in sitting; 2 white rocks-- 5 leghorns--and the rest are all pullets, just started to lay; plus my one roo. So she is my only hope for hatching eggs the natural way --- !!

I will post pics of the new addition soon -- I look for it to hatch tonight, as the zipping is probably 1/3 complete. I can see the beak, and it's chirping away. So excited!
At long last our EE laid this morning with all of us watching... and to our dismay its not a colored egg! My kids were heart broken and crying. Sheesh. Why oh why did we get one of the slim % of pea comb EE to lay a brown egg. It was a double yolker so that made the kids a little more excited but man. After losing our other two EE to illness this was such a let down. :(

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