
I've actually found that LegHorns tend to walk that way. I think that with their huge combs they don't see well on the side that the comb hangs over so its their way of coping with only seeing well out of one eye. If she has been that way for as long as you have had her I wouldn't worry about it.

I thought so. I was not to stressed. She will be seperated with 3 other sweet hens that wont pick on her. We are getting the second coop built tomorrow.
Thanks Midasmychickens! Got 9 eggs today by 3:00 PM, there may be one or two more coming! Had to add another egg collection door to the coop yesterday (the small one in the lower left on the pic below) because one EE and one BA keep laying in that corner of the coop floor. It was becoming a pain for me to keep climbing to the back of the 4' high coop since I am over 6'. Now my 5-year-old has an egg collection door just the right height for him to check for his EE's green eggs!

Thanks Midasmychickens! Got 9 eggs today by 3:00 PM, there may be one or two more coming! Had to add another egg collection door to the coop yesterday (the small one in the lower left on the pic below) because one EE and one BA keep laying in that corner of the coop floor. It was becoming a pain for me to keep climbing to the back of the 4' high coop since I am over 6'. Now my 5-year-old has an egg collection door just the right height for him to check for his EE's green eggs!

Great idea!!
11 eggs by 5:00 PM, ties the record! Also noticed that a BA was trying to lay next to the new egg door I installed above the coop floor, so my little Marshall might have two eggs to collect! Weighed the largest egg today, it was 1.7 OZ so is basically a medium egg. Most of the other eggs are still considered to be small, though.
So my girls are tired of my roo. They are shunning his mating attempts. I told him that he is on his own. He yelled I yelled but eventually he listened gave up today and my girls laid 10 eggs at a record these last few weeks. So maybe he will get the point and stopped trying to get his Roo on every 5 seconds! My other more calm girls are starting to learn to body check hens i they want bread or veggies. My girls are pigs!!! Lol Oh, pur neighbor came over wanting to know what all the noise was comming from our yard. I hadto explain when one of my girls laysan egg they have to announce it. That mean that Lewis Roo has to run in there and see what is going on make sure they are safe and ge starts making noise. She got to witness first hand how this process works she was thrilled and decided ahe wants eggs. So my neighbors now come out of their house's to watch my chickens. One of the neighbors brought over watermelon that was spoiling sitting at her house and she was overly shocked when one of my girls flew into her arms to eat it. I thought the lady was goinv to pee herself. It was a good and intertaining day!
this girl was brought to me yesterday as she just showed up on some folks door. they tried hard to find the owners in there neighborhood but no one claimed her. she contacted me and now in my yard LOL. my son built her a pen to keep her safe from the other girls until they get used to her. she is very sweet.
Thanks Midasmychickens! Got 9 eggs today by 3:00 PM, there may be one or two more coming! Had to add another egg collection door to the coop yesterday (the small one in the lower left on the pic below) because one EE and one BA keep laying in that corner of the coop floor. It was becoming a pain for me to keep climbing to the back of the 4' high coop since I am over 6'. Now my 5-year-old has an egg collection door just the right height for him to check for his EE's green eggs!

very smart idea dug !! love it love it .
New member checking in. we have 4 red sexlinks, 2 barred rocks, a buff orpington and just got a pair of wheaton marans.

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