
Got 12 eggs today from our 12 pullets for the first time! I never thought our chickens would be laying this well this early (23 weeks). The eggs are still small, at 1.4 to 1.7 ozs, but sure tasty. I eat all I want and have given away 3 dozen and an 18-pack so far.

A question for my fellow Montanans: My wife and I are divorcing and I am staying in my home, she has moved out. We are fighting for custody of our two boys, ages 5 and 8. Today I let her alone in the house for 3 hours while she boxed up some of her stuff. When she was done, she complained of a strong chicken dander odor in the house and advised me to increase air purification. She said chicken dander spreads disease. The boys and I cannot smell the chickens in the house. Our coop is about 4' from the SW corner of the house, normally downwind, but the run is right against the house. The coop and run is under a wood deck and adjacent to the daylight basement. I usually open some of the upstairs windows at night. I run one or two air purifiers with ozone and UV upstairs almost continuously. My house is conventional wood frame construction with good windows.

Is she just throwing out a red herring to claim my home is a bad environment or might she have a valid point? I have seen many pictures on this site showing the coop and run next to houses. Thanks.
I'm bbbaaaaaaccccckkkkkk! I missed you guys! I took a trip alone with my hubby then have been preparing for the new school year. :)
We have 15/20 laying now... I think 3 more of those have had whoop-an-eggy accidental soft eggs but never have we seen them in a nest. Our 25 week old fluffy butt GIANT light Brahma finally laid on Wednesday and it was the cutest tiny egg. Her next two have gotten MUCH larger and she is very smug when I come to collect them. She stays on her egg until we come in. Its adorable. She squacks and shouts to say, look momma! We are just waiting on our two wyandottes, a dark Brahma, a younger light Brahma and our crippled red star. I suspect both wyandottes and the cripple have had soft shelled eggs. We get a bakers dozen a day on good days and 9-10 on HOT days. So that's our update.
Doug, sorry I know nothing of dander, but I am very sorry you are going thru a divorce and having to fight for custody. That must be very hard for you and your kids. My prayers are with you.
Doug: so sorry for all you are going thru. Been there myself, almost 6 years ago, altho thankfully, our kids are grown. Wasn't easy on the grandchildren, tho.

It has always sounded to me like you are doing everything right on taking care of your coop & run, reading all of your posts. Wonder if she even KNOWS what "chicken dander" smells like? Really makes a person wonder if she is trying to stir up trouble. I've also seen plenty of pictures of coops right up next to the house or under a deck, etc. Divorces tend to get ugly & I've heard of, or seen, more than I want to, of crap like this, trying to make the other one look bad. Again, I'm sorry. But I cant' help you on the smell or ventilation thing. And so glad everybody is laying now!!

Rookiefarmers, congrats on all the new eggs!!
Doug, I'm very sorry for whatyou are going through right now, that has to be hard with young kids. I would say she is just trying to stir up trouble. but you could have a friend come over and take a smell around the house. If you have a female friend or co-worker that is not friends with your wife that would be willing to take a smell that might be better than a male,I think us ladys have a better nose for that type of thing.
I hope all works out for you and your kids.
Thanks Azriel, I believe you are right. I do believe ladies generally have more sensitive noses. If I have to I will hire an air quality specialist to check air quality inside my home. No one else seems to be complaining.

10 eggs today! The boys and I also applied some "Rooster Booster" anti-peck treatment to three chickens that were losing feathers by their tail (two were the EE's, one was a Barred Rock). We found it at Big R, and it is pine tar based, with Aloe and a couple of other things in it. It is purple in color. We tried to find Blue-Cote but Western Ranch Supply and Big R did not have it. Just don't want them to become bare-butted, tailless chickens before winter!
Thanks Azriel, I believe you are right.  I do believe ladies generally have more sensitive noses.  If I have to I will hire an air quality specialist to check air quality inside my home.  No one else seems to be complaining. 

10 eggs today!  The boys and I also applied some "Rooster Booster" anti-peck treatment to three chickens that were losing feathers by their tail (two were the EE's, one was a Barred Rock).  We found it at Big R, and it is pine tar based, with Aloe and a couple of other things in it.  It is purple in color.  We tried to find Blue-Cote but Western Ranch Supply and Big R did not have it.  Just don't want them to become bare-butted, tailless chickens before winter!

Im sorry for what you are going through!
I have tried blu kote I have not found it working very well! My poor babies butts are sunburned and bare and So I have to get little aprons!! So please let me know rooster booster works please?
Got 12 eggs today from our 12 pullets for the first time! I never thought our chickens would be laying this well this early (23 weeks). The eggs are still small, at 1.4 to 1.7 ozs, but sure tasty. I eat all I want and have given away 3 dozen and an 18-pack so far.

A question for my fellow Montanans: My wife and I are divorcing and I am staying in my home, she has moved out. We are fighting for custody of our two boys, ages 5 and 8. Today I let her alone in the house for 3 hours while she boxed up some of her stuff. When she was done, she complained of a strong chicken dander odor in the house and advised me to increase air purification. She said chicken dander spreads disease. The boys and I cannot smell the chickens in the house. Our coop is about 4' from the SW corner of the house, normally downwind, but the run is right against the house. The coop and run is under a wood deck and adjacent to the daylight basement. I usually open some of the upstairs windows at night. I run one or two air purifiers with ozone and UV upstairs almost continuously. My house is conventional wood frame construction with good windows.

Is she just throwing out a red herring to claim my home is a bad environment or might she have a valid point? I have seen many pictures on this site showing the coop and run next to houses. Thanks.
Dug, try making quiche with the extras you will love it!! we also love egg salad sandwitches, egg potato salad, heck there is a whole world of eggs lol.

sorry bout the wife, but my feeling is she is trying to stir the pot, keep her out and you will not have problems. when she comes to get kids and drop off, have her wait out side. when a woman wants to nit pick, she will find anything to do so. make sure you have pictures of the air purifiers, and ozone what ever you call it in case you need proof all is well. also look up others who have coops close to the house, and get there take on it. when a woman has an agenda, or wants to be a *****, there is no amount of apologys you can give because they like being a *****. make sure you have your ducks in a row so to speak, get enough people to back you on how great a dad you are, make sure your home is clean so she can not send any welfare to your home for a spot check, keep everything up to great standards as you will want to come out of this well. if they come to you dirty take pics, ( a friend did this because the courts did not believe the mom when she said the kids came so dirty they had to have baths. ) she did and proved he was not caring for them properly. always send them home clean clean clean! well fed and smelling good. i have been in many courts for parents fighting for kids, I advocated many years. make sure shoes are good, no holes, make sure Dug that you are sober, and clean and there is no reason for her to complain, ( she will try ) good luck, wishing you all the best and you know you can always contact me again for advice.

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