
Karla, yes, this is exactly what mine looks like, only ... OMG
, you need to shop around if you get one. This price is terrible. !!
I'm not buying one :). I use the heat lamp. Hang it over the water and it stays unthawed. We just turn It on when it hits 20 or below. My coop is so insulated that it never freezes unless it's really cold.
12/12 eggs yesterday and 11 today! It has been tough around here lately, my estranged wife keeps pulling all kinds of shenanigans, but I am so happy to have these loyal, faithful, hard-working, and funny birds!
12/12 eggs yesterday and 11 today!  It has been tough around here lately, my estranged wife keeps pulling all kinds of shenanigans, but I am so happy to have these loyal, faithful, hard-working, and funny birds!

Make sure you keep a running log of what she is doing dates and times also. Your lawyer can use all of it when the time comes. Glad your birds are doing so well, and that you have the great distractions of them :) chin up, you want to chat pm me ok.
I have been reading a lot on brooding hens. One of my girls is doing this she will not let the roo near her though. I am not set up for baby chix yet but when I am is this the beat time to let them breed? Or is anytime? Please help I am not sure what to do about this part. Plus I am kind of curious I have a NN that has 2 black feathers and I have been reading other posts about colors and what they arr called i.e. birchen* (spelling) I am just wondering what that means for my girl she is all white but 2 black feathers thats it. I also want to breen her with my EE Roo who has green butt feathers a eung of white where is tail connects and purple ring feathers below that and the orange/red feathers on his body. He is pretty so I am wanting to breed them eventually.
I have been reading a lot on brooding hens. One of my girls is doing this she will not let the roo near her though. I am not set up for baby chix yet but when I am is this the beat time to let them breed? Or is anytime? Please help I am not sure what to do about this part. Plus I am kind of curious I have a NN that has 2 black feathers and I have been reading other posts about colors and what they arr called i.e. birchen* (spelling) I am just wondering what that means for my girl she is all white but 2 black feathers thats it. I also want to breen her with my EE Roo who has green butt feathers a eung of white where is tail connects and purple ring feathers below that and the orange/red feathers on his body. He is pretty so I am wanting to breed them eventually.
Is she staying in the nest all the time? -- if she is, the roo shouldn't want to bother with her. It takes 21 days to hatch out the eggs that are fertilized, so depending on what kind of coop set-up you have, you should go with that as far as timing. The mama will keep her babies warm, but I personally wouldn't want to be hatching babies past September.

Can't help you with the NN you have (not sure what breed that is?), but I would love to see a picture of your EE roo........... he sounds pretty!
Welcome chickies4fun! I am from outside of Belgrade so not to far from you. What kid of chickens do you have? How many?
Doug, congrats on your girls hard work! They must be so happy to be laying like that. So sorry to hear about your ex. It always surprises me when people can treat someone they loved at one point so horribly. Glad you have your birdss. They will be a source of laughter for sure.
We have 16 out of 20 laying now. We get more than a dozen a day, even on the slow days. I am having fun selling some and reducing the cost of their feed. I am looking forward to it cooling down some... its still so hot! I have some work to do before next summer, I was so worried about the cold winters that our set up is not ideal for the heat. Whoops! They will be happy this winter tho. Lol.
I have been reading a lot on brooding hens. One of my girls is doing this she will not let the roo near her though. I am not set up for baby chix yet but when I am is this the beat time to let them breed? Or is anytime? Please help I am not sure what to do about this part. Plus I am kind of curious I have a NN that has 2 black feathers and I have been reading other posts about colors and what they arr called i.e. birchen* (spelling) I am just wondering what that means for my girl she is all white but 2 black feathers thats it. I also want to breen her with my EE Roo who has green butt feathers a eung of white where is tail connects and purple ring feathers below that and the orange/red feathers on his body. He is pretty so I am wanting to breed them eventually.
mama will do all the work , just add starter feed, make sure they ave water and mom does the rest. She will intermingle with the adults and no one will hurt them. It's getting to late now, winter will soon e apon us. Spring is a great tie, summer even August when my always go broody lol. I have 4 chicks with a mom now. They will e feathered out by the time the cold comes. Next spring they will be laying. I love fall broodys, makes it fun to see eggs right around february/March .
Welcome chickies4fun! I am from outside of Belgrade so not to far from you. What kid of chickens do you have? How many?
Doug, congrats on your girls hard work! They must be so happy to be laying like that. So sorry to hear about your ex. It always surprises me when people can treat someone they loved at one point so horribly. Glad you have your birdss. They will be a source of laughter for sure.
We have 16 out of 20 laying now. We get more than a dozen a day, even on the slow days. I am having fun selling some and reducing the cost of their feed. I am looking forward to it cooling down some... its still so hot! I have some work to do before next summer, I was so worried about the cold winters that our set up is not ideal for the heat. Whoops! They will be happy this winter tho. Lol.
wow 16 layers, I'm still Waiting on two , then my twelve will all be laying, well until the snow flies lol. Looking for a bunch to molt here soon, setting up the lamp for the cold months and I'm still needing to buy the plastic to cover the pen. I'm so glad you got your coop fixed for winter, some one told me the winter was going to be harsh this year.
Starting to get some really big light brown eggs now, seems like one per day. 2.4 oz in size! I didn't think my girls would lay eggs that big until they were fully grown! I don't know what breed but suspect the BO because they are the biggest hens.
Starting to get some really big light brown eggs now, seems like one per day. 2.4 oz in size! I didn't think my girls would lay eggs that big until they were fully grown! I don't know what breed but suspect the BO because they are the biggest hens.
Those are most likely double yolkers. Mine have all done it, started not too long after they first started laying, and this went on for almost 2 months, to where now, I just get one every once in awhile. They seem to do this when they first start laying. It's always lots of fun, but makes you think **ouch** when you look at the size compared to a regular egg. !!

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