
Thanks KarlaMaria! He is a good rooster, protective of the hens and he has a loud cluck he uses when he thinks he finds some food for the girls! And, he hasn't tried attacking me again, but sure puffs up sometimes when we grab a hen. Assuming he survives, I think he will turn out to be a big bird - he is already about 1/3 larger than the hens. We all are enjoying the nice cool weather, looks like it is getting ready to rain again.
Beautiful birds Flysammie! It seems those Wyandottes have about every color on them. Looks like some of them appear ready to lay. Do they develop into good layers? I will need to look those up, I may want to add a few to the flock next year!
Wyandottes are great layers and such beautiful birds! The cold weather doesn't seem to slow them down too much either! :) There are lots of gorgeous color options too! :)
Thanks guys, they're good birdos. DouginMT, they should give about 200 large browns per year once they get going. The boys are starting to get frisky, but the ladies aren't squatting yet. Pretty soon, but I'm still buying eggs. And you're right, 388Chick, they're fine in the cold. Between the extra down fluff and compact rose combs, they're not prone to frostbite like hot-weather breeds.
Let the flock out to free range yesterday afternoon, and one hen stayed in the coop as she was laying. My friend and I sat on the picnic table, between the coop and the flock. My BO rooster, King, then sidled over (pretending to peck and feed on the ground but keeping a constant eye on his target) to my friend Shawn, stopped sideways about a foot from his feet, and then
puffed up and attacked his legs! Shawn gave him a little kick, King recovered rapidly and then came back and struck my legs! Three more kicks later and King was retreating. His attacks were kind of funny (they did not hurt), but concerning at the same time. All I can figure is that he did not like us sitting between him and the one remaining hen in the coop! If he does that again I plan to catch him and hold him on my lap, sideways or upside down for awhile. What a character!

Just checking in, we are located somewhat north of Billings. I can't believe I didn't know about BYC till now. I am looking forward to reading this thread!
Hello all!
I'm not new to BYC but we just moved. ( My family and I) To Montana. I've lived her once before and bought 3 of my original girls here and took them back to california with me and then hauled them all up to Montana again. We live in Laurel, just on the county line by Park City. My main flock of 12 consists of. 2 Roosters. One Buff Laced Brahma, One Olive Egger. and 9 girls. 1 gold laced Polish, 1 dark brahma banta, 1 olive egger. 1 olive egger x buff brahma cross, 1 wyandotte bantam cross, 1 wellsummer, 1 olive egger female, 1 barred rock, and 4 Wyandottes, SL, Colombian, 2 BLRW. We also just purchased two Heritage Breed Turkeys. A black spanish Jake and a royal palm hen. All living in a converted horse stall/ coop.

Probably going to hatch this spring again, trying to figure what breeds I really want and or like. I love the wyandottes, but mine my original two girls were Shipton's chicks and I wasn't impressed with their egg size or frequency at all. one of them is actually barren. Doesn't lay, never has she goes to the nest and sings her face off and we praise her but no eggs. The SL and my Wellie are reaching 5 so aren't laying much anymore....

Any thing the rest of you here in Montana really are liking? I had some Brown Leghorns that I rehomed in California laid a massive egg but they were flighty and noisy and nosey and skittish and while they were beautiful I'm not sure I'd go that route again.

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