
Anyone doing the New Year's Day hatch? I really would like to, but after this week the thought of brooding chicks through January is a bit daunting. I'm in for valentines day tho!
I did the NYD hatch last year, I hatched out about 100 chicks, I sold most of them. But not doing it this year. My coop is not warm enough for baby chicks and having a bunch of chickens in my basement till April/May was not my idea of fun.
It did get warm enough here today to open my pop doors for a few hours, a few of the girls put their heads out, but they really don't like the snow so no one actually went out.
Cool :) I have 3 girls and going to get 3 more in the spring. I'm on the flats here close to IGA.

Can't wait I think it will awesome, have it all planned out. Just have to get better prepared for next winter.
Wow I am impressed! That's a big bunch of chicks. I would have gotten tired of them in the basement too. I would love some hatching tips:) my hatch this fall was with shipped eggs, kinda a failure. I had trouble with humidity. I think wood burning stoves make things way too dry inside our house. I will try again whe. Spring is lots closer!
Cool :) I have 3 girls and going to get 3 more in the spring. I'm on the flats here close to IGA.

Can't wait I think it will awesome, have it all planned out. Just have to get better prepared for next winter.
hey I'm on the flats to , by Hillcrest erea. I started with five, I now have 12 had 14 but gave two away. I started out with 5x6 coop and dog kennel, the next year I had the coop rebuilt twice the size and had a pen with roof built on. If you ever need any help or advice let me know :) I'm looking forward to springso I can put fertile eggs under my broodies and have babies again !
Be careful, Looked up info for Butte, new ord :( only 6 chickens allowed used to be 25. They are under dangerous animals of all things, but dogs bite all the time.

I would love some advise. I have taken drastic action with my girls as the coop I have now has No insulation and it's metal, yes I know bad planning. Wasn't counting on these temps this year. Thinking of making a fence of straw around hen house, with tarp over top, it's a holy tarp, think the heater might work that way. $$ is issue this winter :( . Love my girls tho. Will fight to take care of them well.

Want to get together so you can help me brain storm? Hastings? Locketts?

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