
I hope they all continue to get along peacefully! I was hoping someone with experience with Buckeyes would maybe chime in. I'm not familiar with them, I only own five different breeds of chickens/chicks. I've been very surprised by the variation in personality between different breeds, especially as babies. With this current batch of chicks, the Australorps are so calm and docile, we can easily pick them up and they sit calmly in our hands. But the Wyandottes are little spazzes! Constantly running around, alert to everything, protesting loudly if we pick them up. I'm curious what the Buckeyes are like, if they have a reputation for being more dominant.
That is exactly how my Wyandottes are! They are very alert, run everywhere and are very loud when I pick them up... once I can catch them!! LoL I am hoping the more I work with them, the older they get, the more calm they will become.

They have all settled in and for the most part, just go about their day doing chicken stuff. The Buckeyes are now the quiet ones and the easiest to pick up, and not much of a care in the world. The EE are pretty much the same way as well.
I hope this is ok to post here... Looking to see if anyone is interested in a bantam Cochin roo, 3wks and already no doubts he's a he. Very sweet so if someone wants him for their flock id rather not eat him
let me know... Great falls area
Dose anyone have any tiny sermans for sale.... alsomwanting to but some chickens and or chicks, i have already been to shiptons and tsc here in billings
Thanks so much :D:D:D:D

So exciting! First time with letting my broody hen set. Gave her a dozen and we had 3 hatch out today. Looks like 2 Wellsummers but not sure about the third. Still hiding under mamma. I'm hoping its from one of my EE hens. We'll see if we get anymore!
Well if you guys make it before he dose please get a hold of me i will be more then happy to take him and give him a great home if u need my number let me know in a p.m.thanks so much

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