
We were in the Hamilton Quality Supply yesterday and oh my, those Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks are SO CUTE! I was tempted again to buy some. Good grief!
I was going to ask which hatchery they ordered from this year, but everyone was so very busy that I didn't want to bother them. I have a friend who has Wyandottes from McMurray and she is very happy with them. Hers have better lacing than the hens that I brought home from Quality last year and they also all have the proper comb type (rose) unlike mine who are about half single comb.

I do have a gorgeous Silver Laced Wyadotte rooster that I brought home a couple of weeks ago. He is young yet - just beginning to try and woo the girls. It's pretty cute watching the poor clumsy fellow trying to get it all figured out. I'm working on another breeding pen for him and the few quality Silver Laced Wyandotte girls that I do have. Hopefully I'll have some chicks to offer later this season.

I have 57 chicks right now that I have kept from the last three weeks hatches and the plan is to grow these chickens up to have started birds to offer in about six weeks, once they are off the heat lamps and I can tell who is male and who is female. These are mixed breeds, possibly pure bred birds, of the breeds that I offer for sale. I will be growing some of these guys up to point of lay and selling once I know for sure what color eggs they lay; I have some delightful egg colors manifest out of my mixed flock. We have a whole bunch of these mixed birds running around out in our field and they make for a wonderfully pretty carton of eggs.

I just this morning finished the last hatch of eggs that I had in the incubator and am waiting around for my birds to decide to start laying again. I have a couple dozen Rhode Island Red eggs to set, but that is it for now. Sigh.
There is a waiting list on the Araucana large fowl, but the bantams are as yet unspoken for.

Just waiting, waiting for the girls to feel like laying.

Oh how I do love chick season.
A store near us has chicks. They have some from Murray and some from Dunlap hatcheries.
Going to get some next month. Just concerned it will get too cold again.
I was in Bozeman on Monday and Murdoch's there is getting their chicks from Welp. I will have to check the Murdoch's in Helena to see if they are getting them from the same place. cackleberrycoop I am really excited to get some chickens from you!
Come on girls, start laying!!!
Cackleberry coop, I have to write and let you know that the mixed chicks that I got from you about a month ago( meet you in Stevi at DMV) have grown up to be very heathly and friendly. I just moved them from there brooder in the house to there own house outside. I can tell that I have aleast 2 true Araconas their missing there tails. I think Ive got 5or6 boys from the 13 I got. I love these birds,they are way better than any bird I got from all different hatcherys over the years. My wife loves the turken its the friendlist one of them all. Thank you Stanley Meigs
Wonderful! I am so happy to hear that you are pleased with the chicks and all is going well. Thank you for letting me know
After taking the chicks so early in the year, having to shepherd them through that never ending winter weather....... it's just good that you are not cursing me right now for getting you into it all the extra work!
The chicks who are missing their tails are not necessarily pure Araucana ( the rumplessness can be dominant) but it's sure a good sign. Any tufts on those babies? Araucanas are such awesome birds; I'm glad you ended up with some.

Every time I hatch out a little naked neck chick I think of your project you were talking about. If you pull it off, please post pictures! It sounds so, uhmmmm, interesting......
Found 3 eggs today!

I'm excited.
Going to get a few more layers chicks next month.
So nice today got the geese water tank cleaned and filled with fresh water, no more hauling buckets. For the moment.
Chickens and turkeys were turned out and were very happy.
Megan, The coop is coming along ...not at all...both of the guys that were supposed to start it ended up with the flu so nothing has happened yet. I guess that is what happens with the best plans! Hopefully they are working on it today while I work (fingers crossed)
Wow, this sounds great! I would love to buy a couple of your started pullets in the beginning of May. When will you begin offering the six week-olds? Would it be possible for me to come pick them out? I also have my eye out for a nicely laced SLW hen... I don't suppose you offer them as started chicks? I just don't want to fall in love with another rooster! (though I really appreciate that you take them back!) I may also be interested in a couple bantam araucana girls - do you also offer them as started chicks?


Rodger that! Wow, it can take so long to get a coop completed around here. I don't complain any more, though, after it took me an ENTIRE day to build a teensy little section of shelving in our garage. Far and away less complicated than a coop and it took me ALL DAY....... so, OK, I guess those coops are pretty difficult and I empathize with the process now. Still, it can be really hard to be patient.

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