
Megan I love the picture of your eggs in the egg flat on your web site, what pretty colors. I don't know if I could get away in June, thats the start of haying season, and we are busy sun up to sun down every day it doesn't rain. What colors are you getting out of your Marans? I just love the pretty color mixes. I have 21 EE eggs in the bator now, can't wait till they hatch to see what I get. I also have Lav. Orps and Blue Wheaton Ameraucana comming for the other bator. I think I might have found a breeder of Golden Cuckoo Marans.
But have to wait on them till 1st of May
The first of May is not that far away (just feels like it is when you're waiting for chicks!). If you do get the golden cuckoos, will you post photos ? I can only imagine how stunning they must be.

I LOVE blue wheaten Ameraucanas! My easter egger flock is made up of a lot of wheaten and blue wheaten hens. I can't seem to get a decent rooster for them so for now they are just popping out easter egger chicks. Who did you order your hatching eggs from?

I have one Wheaten Marans hen who lays an incredibly dark egg that has a truly beautiful red/cinnamon tint to it. Then I have a hen who lays eggs that are only a bit darker than a RIR egg, but they are covered in great big, super dark spots. And I have eggs that are everything in between those two extremes; I love the variety. I have two new roosters over these hens this year, so I'm anxious to see what these new boys produce with my girls.

Hopefully I will have more Marans chicks to offer next season. I was sort of blown away by the amount of interest in these chicks this year; my flock is just too small to keep up. Did you see the resent post about Marans chicks for sale by KK454? It's just a page back I think.

Good luck on all your hatching. Gosh, an incubator full of eggs is just so exciting!!
Ok, don't mind me I just have to get this out somehow, and I'm way to excited to hold it in any longer.

I'm finnaly getting enough money built up to build my coop this summer!!!!
I've been selling a whole bunch of crap (my old hobbies) off on ebay to help fund the coop and my new birds, and it's paying off! I thought I would have to wait to have the funds until fall, but now I'm going to have the funds by early to mid summer (if not sooner)!
Then I can focus on saving up for my oober expensive birds, and a few laying chicks for spring 2012!

Ok, I feel better now. Sorry about all the loudness
, I couldn't hold it in anymore or I would have burst.
well I finally found my chicks, had to go all the way to Bozeman ugh, so far to find chicks! we got 6 chicks, now to find someone to build us a coop! Oh and the babies are so sweet, when I talk to them they lay right down and go to sleep LOL .anyone close to Butte ??
We had an "incident" a few weeks back; I found my Marans rooster in the Ameraucana pen. He had busted through the fencing and spent part of that day visiting with the blue egg laying hens...... Naughty boy. As a result, we have hatched out a bunch of chicks from these Ameraucana hens who were fathered by either the Ameraucana roosters or this Marans rooster. All chicks came out of beautiful blue eggs and the girls will grow up to be either blue egg layers or awesome olive green egg laying hens (there is still always the possibility of dark brown egg layers). I have four chicks left if anyone is interested, $2.50/chick, straight run. One of the chicks has feathered legs, so that one is clearly the Marans rooster's baby. They all have pea combs, beard and muffs like the Ameraucanas.


For the next two weeks we will be selling all chicks who hatch out of our blue eggs as these chicks of questionable pedigree.
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Picked up some chicks and ducklings today. Was hoping to get some Toulouse geese too, but they were already gone.
Got them all in their tubs and gave them warm water with sugar, they had gotten chilled on the way home. DH kept turning the A/C on in the truck.

Still looking for a couple of female geese. My 3 ganders are driving me nuts.
Where is spring?
Where is spring?
Where is spring?
Where is spring?

Yes I'm bored of winter.
Snowed the last 2 days and snowed off anf on most of today.

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