
We got roads being washed out and bridges collapsing. DH went to Lewistown today. He went over a bridge where the road crew had an excavator digging out under it because the water was almost going over the bridge. That was the main secondary road between Great Falls and Lewistown.
Had the road closed the way we normally go through Denton.

Can't complain though, any moisture is better then no moisture.
wow, thanks everyone! we started the coop this weekend and are more than half done
. we are building it out of completely reclaimed materials (we had some old structures that needed torn down when we bought our house) so we have had some design issues to say the least. we plan on insulating the entire thing, and are planning on ventilation on two sides of the house.
should we plan on adding a heat source in the winters?
i sure do love all your input!
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone would like to give a rooster (or 2) a home near Missoula? they are hatchery stock, one black australorp and one silver wynandotte. I got them at Quality supply from the "Pullet" bins, LOL.. can you believe it, 2 of my 5 "sexed" babies are boys! Arrgh. I am in Lolo so can't keep them. They are @ 10 weeks and (for roos) pretty sweet. Well, the australorp is, anyway, lol.
My two suspects are actually the least friendly of the lot. i can scoop them up but they won't come over asking to be held. I have two EE's that are the sweetest things ever, one barred rock that it seems to depend on the day and my two trouble makers. They are always jumping and pecking everybody else. I tried to convince myself they were trying for lead hen, but they both have larger and redder combs than the others and one tried to crow this morning.
Karlamaria, I live in Dillon so I am not too far away from you, we often are there for shopping at Walmart, lol. We should try and get together sometime.

My sister lives in Billings and the flooding there and in the surrounding areas is just insane we have family that lives on the little horn and tongue rivers and are very worried about them. I can't believe roundup is completely under water!

We have had some rain, but it seems the wind kicks up and just blows away the moisture
Our field are all planted and most of the garden is planted as well so I would be happy for some continued moisture.

As for coop insulation. We used cardboard boxes that we took apart and stapled to the inside. Gives a decent amount of insulation, all the boxes we got were free from a windshield repair shop, and they aren't harmful to the chickens. Amazingly enough the chickens have been out in the rain....and wind....they don't seem to be affected lol. But I guess thats why I got fluffy cochins:)

We also are looking at selling some of our buff cochin hens standard size, they are 8 wks old and fully feathered. We have 9 buff hens and I would like to sell about 5 of them. So if anyone is interested pm me.

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