
Got another inch of rain on Friday. The brooder house is toast.

Going to go into town on Tuesday and go to Big R they have these little chicken houses with runs. My birds are big enough to go outside so I'm going to pick a couple of them up and move them into them. Should be better then what they got now.
Going to buy a couple of ready made sheds this fall and turn them into brooder houses.

Gotta seal around our new houses patio door, discovered it is leaking and it really leaked during this last storm we have water in our basement. So I have to do that tomorrow before this next round of rain and thunderstorms hit.
Hi! I'm in SW Montana, and we just got our first chickens. We need to add on--I secretly got more chicks than our coop will hold in hopes dh will add on to the coop he finished about a month ago. We have 5 hens, a rooster, and 11 chicks. I don't know anyone here selling eggs, and a lot of people wanting them. Anyway, I grew up on a cattle ranch and I've always wanted a farm of my own--so we have 3 milk goats, all with kids at their sides, and our chickens, and we're hoping for a couple cows in the near future. Oh, and I have 3 kids and 20 acres. Anyway, I'm glad I finally made it down to this forum, and am happy to see some fellow lovers of the Big Sky Country!

Sorry to hear about the flooding. We've had a lot of moisture, but no flooding to speak of. I know the next week is going to be rough where dh's family lives.

I sell eggs, but I have 13 layers going right now and 19 coming up. Just start by sharing the eggs with a friend and then start selling them. I sell mine for $1 a dozen, but I know people who sell them for $2 or higher.
The Mighty Mo is flooding the low lands around here. Luckily one creek has gone down a bit, but is still running high.
Had to call the sheriffs department and report a road starting to slide. One over flow culvert is collapsing and the other one is holding up, but the road has a huge dip over that side. Sheriffs department closed the road even though the head of the road crew said it was alright. Everyone out here is staying off of it for now just to be safe.

More rain today.
Hope everyone is safe there.
Are you in the flood plane? I hope every one has flood insurance.

I know what the sliding stuff is like too. I spent about six years on the coast of Half Moon Bay Cal. area and that was a very common and scary issue there. We currently live in the lowest part of the valley here in Montana and our yard floods almost every run off now. It's been doing it again this year too, just not quite as bad. I'll have to find some of the pictures of last years flooding and post them. If I had a choice at the time of getting our property, I would have got land on higher ground, but the land was gifted to my dh just before we met by his great great granny. I still can't complain, as long as we build everything high enough off the ground so the spring flooding won't damage anything.
I'll have to post pics of our trip down to Billings last weekend and this weekend.
It was plain crazy.

No we are clear up and away from the river, but know people who live near it.
I'd like to see those pictures. I'm sure glad your safe, and I'll be praying for those who live close to the river.

These are a few shots of the flooding at our house last year. We have flooding again this year, but so far it's not as bad.



My Garden was under water for a week. Some how I didn't lose hardly anything I planted.

We had a whole lot of hail last year too. We don't seem to have so much this year.
The water was only about one to three inches in most places around the yard, but it was deeper in a few other places.
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This is what we ran into on our way to Billings the last 2 weekends. Son got better video and pics on the way down.

Just before we left


Our road out

The Musselshell River





This weekend outside of Stanford





Outside of Ryegate


Im traveling home to Great Falls this weekend mom is having surgery. Ill be coming from Denver and I go through Billings then on up from there. The pics you posted show a lot of water but no road closures? Im driving a subaru and theres not a lot of clearance there so Im wondering about how deep the water was? Any idea if there is water at Eddies Corner ? Would it be a good idea to switch out my subaru for my brothers pickup when I go through Casper? Any advice or info would be deeply appreciated. Thanks

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