
see, its not insulated. They did have lights in there, they are still hanging. I put some pictures in the coop section! I do think its pretty draft free. I will have to look into keeping it warmer though. I know the previous people had chickens, but Im not sure how long, or what all they did. Ive been hoping to find someone local to discuss temps, snow, ect. I have been told that sometimes, the snow isnt as bad, due to being by the lake, but I dont know. Lots of opinions here! LOL there was also a heated water bowl, but Im not sure if it works. I need to test it!

I was browsing mcmurray's site and actually picked 4 different ones and did 5 of each, to get a cost that may not be far off if we plan on sharing..I was also thinking I should factor in for any losses that may happen...I have two boys, so Im sure my food bill will just go up the older they get hehe
Dang, would love me some sweet pickles! And fresh eggs lol, got to give my egg gal a call, but lost my cell phone and can not find her number. Would love the cows milk to! Want to try my hand at making scream and butter to! Do you sell your beef? I bought a quarter of beef last month, but it tastes like old cow lol, tough tough. Always looking to thug a nice tender cow lol, we will be buying a side of beef
this fall!

Yes we do sell beef. We call it natural since they get their shots and poured for parasites. No hormones though. We quit that around 15 years ago.
I make soap
Its fun! Granted Ive only made three batches so far lol

You could always try ordering lye from a place like Bramble Berry
not sure how much you need or anything. I need more as well.
I am always seeing where'd there is snow up your way when we do not get it here, towns in Montana can get -40 the. Cold snap starts in October and snow. Not sure but Im thinking lake effect snow also. Tends to get more snow.Coops in montana need to be insulated, no doubt about it as there combs can freeze. We put insulation between the walls of my coop and will be adding a heat lamp just in case we do go below zero. My brother added a heater to his coop.
Yea, thats why Im hoping to talk to some locals who can give me a good idea. From what Ive found, it doesnt seem to be that much. but Im not sure how accurate random sites are online
smile.png thats for Polson and here is Kalispell: we are pretty much smack dab in the middle of the two towns

I'll have to see what I can do to insulate it.

In the past we have had extreme cold, I'm laughing that those sites did not show you that. We can and do hit well below 20 below in Montana and even there where you are. My thoughts are always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst! My motto and hard pressed to follow it. Just like all my foods, my chicken food will be in 5 gallon buckets and with Mylar bags and oxygen obsorbers so the food stays fresh. And lots of it. We plan to start our storing of the feed this month, 200 pounds, and by October, 200 pounds more. Next spring 5 more birds and a new coop.
Best way I found to insulate it run a roll of that pink stuff or the foam board on the walls, then get pressed wood or ply wood to cover it all . The deep litter method works well to heat the coop up even more . 2x4 perches so they can sit comfortably and there feet under them . Best for Montana! Windows for light and for the sun to shine through.
When I lived in Ekalaka (120 miles s.e. of Miles City) I went to the local grocery store to order Red Devil after the crystal lye had been pulled from the shelves. They could only get liquid lye. I went to Big R in Billings and Murdoch's in Miles City, at different times, and they were able to get it for me. This was back in 2006 -2008, before I moved to Idaho.

Home Depot, Lowe's, Ace Hardware and True Value have crystal lye on hand or can order the Rooto Household Lye Drain Opener (1030) brand for you. That is what I've been using for the past 5-6 years. It works just as well as Red Devil in my goat milk soaps. If you are near a large town with those different stores, check with all of them before getting any....the pricing varies greatly from $2.59/16 oz to $4.49 for the same size. The farm and ranch store I go to in Twin Falls, ID orders me a case and doesn't charge me any shipping to the store. In return, some of the people that help me get free bars of soaps!

Hope this helps.
We insulated our coop with cardboard. It's safe if they start pecking and usually adds enough protection, just remember you still need to have air flow in the coop. Plus the cardboard is free, Try auto glass dealers they usually have very large chunks.

Karla, its been crazy around here but Rusty is still doing great. He will be going to his permanent home in about a month. Their grandson is still in the hospital for being premature and then ended up with menengitis so they have been too busy to add him to their flock yet. And oh so definitely a rooster, although he has yet to crow he is a lady's man, lol. Our hen Millie is sitting on some eggs right now that I am pretty sure he is the father of. Guess we will know for sure in a couple weeks, the hen Cluck Cluck is our bantam partridge cochin and the other possible daddy is a mottle bantam cochin. But Rusty has a thing for Cluck Cluck
Of course now that Millie is broody Cluck Cluck is our only other laying hen. I sure hope these others start soon!

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