
The event in Idaho Falls is not a show, but more of a sales/swap type event. I am very upset that the event coordinator is using the "ROCKY MTN" name. There are a couple breed clubs that use the name and I would suspect that when he has solicited for donations, the donors were unaware that he is not affiliated with either club.

It is the first time this person has held the swap and I told him back in January he was using the Club name and it was being held on the same date. I think a more appropriate choice in naming the event would have been the Idaho Falls Poultry Swap.
I guess I thought the Idaho Falls Chickenstock was more of a show. there will be some poultry showing seminars,so what the heck, I am already committed to going, so I'm going to go and have some fun. I'll let you know how it turns out. Maybe I can make it to the real show in Hamilton next year.
I'm not going to go to any shows, to much going on here and I'm worried i. Would bring home several birds and I do not need any more lol. Sounds like so much fun! But not this time around
I'm not going to go to any shows, to much going on here and I'm worried i. Would bring home several birds and I do not need any more lol. Sounds like so much fun! But not this time around

Lol! You sound like me, I can't hardly go to a show without bringing home atleast a couple!
I live essentially equidistant from both shows. Which one should I attend if I want to buy Buckeye, Chanteclers, Buff Brahma, heritage-type RIR, and FBCM (in order of importance)? I've never been to a poultry show besides midwestern county fairs--if those even count, so I'm also looking for a fun experience for my family and I.
I can not answer popcycle I have never been to any shows :)

Im ticked off, one or more of my chickens ate eggs today, I have not found out who yet, but the culprits are heading to a freezer camp! Ugh, not cool, especially when they have goodies and plenty of room to roam ! Cackleberry, we may need more girls!
Popsicle, maybe Shelly will chime in, she has been to the show in Hamilton, and would know more about it. The chickenstock in Idaho Fall is more of a chicken swap/sale, it sounds like alot of fun with tons of raffle prizes. I would think there would be quite afew birds for sale there. I will be bringing Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and Black and Blue Copper Marans, maybe some EE's.
Hey Karla, if your interested, I have a couple of very nice black sex link pullets, they are 9 weeks, and should lay very dark eggs, they are from my black English Orp roo and cuckoo Marans hens. One has feathered legs.
So, is spring here? It was 70 down here this afternoon. Fires are going to be bad this year.
I will let you know when I catch the birds or bird Azriel and if i find out which ones ate the eggs twice then im getting rid of them. They have not touched and egg today, but I'm watching closely! I have to wait and see if I can get my coop enlarged with in the next month or so, I want another 3 or 4 feet added onto my coop. It will make my coop 9x6 and im sure i can then have 8 or 9 birds right? Just waiting for weather to clear up and the dear sweet couple to work on my Ben and coop.
It's been a nice few days, looks like cold temps coming back but hey I will take what I can get. I also found a green house at home depot for 99.99 and I am thrilled! Just need to find out where to put it!
popsicle - I have not seen any Buckeye at the Hamilton show, but there was a woman there last year who was very excited because she was going to be hatching out a batch of Buckeye eggs from a very well respected source. If I see her again this year I'll be sure to ask her how it all went and if she's planning to offer chicks for sale.

As for the RIR, there is Great Falls breeder who was doing very well with her heritage birds. She will be at the show and I don't know if she'll bring anything to sell or not but she would be a super great resource to get to know.

I really wish that I could go to both events; finding quality breeding stock is so difficult when I have to have everything shipped in! I sure hope that the Idaho swap is wonderful. I'm really looking forward to hearing back from anyone who attends.
Oh boy Karla - I sure hope that you don't have an egg eater on your hands! I HATE it when that happens! I have this overwhelming obsession with checking for eggs before any have a chance to be broken and clue the girls into what treats hide inside. I really get itchy and antsy when I have to be away for a long day - I start to panic that I'm going to come home to rows of nesting boxes full of cracked and destroyed eggs.
I know........ I really need to get a life.......

I have kept a total of 60 chicks from the hatch that your babies are in, so you probably wouldn't have trouble picking up another pullet or two. Azriel's pullets sound really cool though too.

$100.00 for a green house is unheard of! Just make sure it's chicken PROOF!

By golly, it sure is nice to have some sunshine again

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