
I wanteD to ask you all if you are culling your young roosters this year and plan on selling them all dressed and ready for cooking to let me know. I have never had a real farm fresh Young tender chicken so would like to fill my freezer with some if your selling them . I bought 2 chickens from the market square last year but man they were so tough I threw them out! Huderites chicken must have been 2 years old or older! Any ways I'm looking for just young birds for freezer camp. I figure many of you hatch and get lots of roosters at times, if you do and you want to sell them and can meet me half way I'm willing to buy them. ( all dressed out )
Hi Karlamaria Here is a pic of my Red Shouldered Yokahama. I am not too sharp on useing this ------------- computer, can't figure out how to send more than one pic.
Here is a better pic of the Japanese Bantam n the background.
the JB are good layers of small eggs but the Yokahamas are not really great unless they are fed dry cat food, then they pick up nicely.
They are so beautiful! If I had the land I would also have ornamental birds to add to my flock. Thank you so much for sharing!

Anyone else get tons of snow? When the weather man said 1-3 inches what he really meant was 12 lol. We got bombarded with it, some parts of town worse then others. I'm glad really, we need the snow pack and I hope the mountains were bombarded as well. Thank goodness for the covered pen, my girls are nice and dry, but we had to keep going out and clearing off the tarps so they did not break lol. I can not wait until spring when it's warm and I can spend lots of time with my girls. The snow is awesome, but warm sun on my skin priceless! Hope you are all well and safe!
I'm in Columbia Falls, MT

Welcome to the forum! Are you raising chickens now, or just like to talk poultry?
No secret......they get out every other day to free range. I have to alternate free range days with the welsummers so the roos don't fight. They just roam around the horse barn and all the muck and that is the way they look. I have more problems with too much sun making them brassy but I have never shown the birds so i quess that doesn't matter. Even when they get muddy, after it dries it just seems to fall off and leave them clean Maybe it is due to the soil here being pretty sandy.

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