
Indeed; I do have chickens, I do chicken math quite well. I'm real happy to know I'm not the only one slogging outside in the Montana winter snow to feed, check heat lamps and water for my fuzzy feathered friends as well as the horses and donks. I have Marans, Black Copper, Blue, Wheaton and Golden Cuckoo. I think the Gpldens are my favorite. Took first place with my eggs at the Northwest Montana Fair last year. Most people had never seen eggs so dark. On my second year with the Marans, may have a couple to bring to Hamilton. Have buff and partridge silkies, as well as Crele Old English Games that came from Christine Cole of Silk n' feather in Oregon. They are so gorgeous they are like “Living pieces of art.” I just love looking at them. These live in chicken condos in the basement right now, along with the Mille Fleur, Buff and Mottled Cochins.

The Silkies and Cochins have been laying and I have eggs in the “bator” that should hatch in the next couple of days. Also on a whim bought 4 brabanter eggs on an Ebay auction and they hatched. Then bought some Polish eggs from Dancing Hen here on BYC, So..........time to stop.

I 've worked full time as a graphic artist, designer for 23 yrs to support my addictions, hope to retire next year, we'll see. My very tolerant husband is a retired school teacher turned over-the-road truck driver. He's the best. We've had horses most of our lives. Used to breed Clydesdales and do wagon rides. We're now down to the one Clydesdale gelding and a Percheron mare as well as my very smart mule, “Lori Darlin”, Fred and Annie, the Donkey team and the Mini Donks who do parades.We live 13 miles outside of Glacier National Park.

Both really fun events.

Well, it's after 11pm, been home from work an hour, got to go tuck everyone in.

Glad to be here, look forward to meeting everyone.

Howdy Montana horse woman
Sounds like you have your hands full. How's the snow there? We are still digging out lol, my back yard was so deep and my porch we had tp shovel pt. we are gong to warm up, looks like a wet mess by to coop ugh.
You will have to show your birds, Montana horse woman I love to see all you Montana folks chickens! I'm off to bed, everyone is long asleep, good night all !
Hi All, and welcome to the new names on this thread.
Hope everyone faired well in the last storm, I ended up with just over a foot of very wet snow. It was great, we had just finished getting the grain fields planted. Now bring on the warmth and watch the green stuff start growing.
My girls are such babies, they wouldn't go out of the coop untill yesterday. I have the door open all day, but they go and look out and then just turn arround and go back. In their defense, I did have 3 foot drifts in front of the coop, but they do have a nice covered run they can use and they won't even go out in that.
Montanahorsewoman, I would love to see your Marans, I have wheaten,golden cuckoo, and silver cuckoo. I love the goldens. My wheatens lay super dark eggs, everyone says they are slackers, but mine lay almost daily.
It was actually warm here today, 55 and all that nasty snow melting, my lawn will love it soon lol. I can not wait to see snow gone and grass! Green I just want to see green ! We did get 5 eggs from all five of the girls, for 3 days we got one or 2.
I have ordered alot of birds for alot of years from alot of different Hatcheries but the order I recieved this morning was my first 100% survival!! The 10 WLR Cornish and the 15 Houdans all happy and healthy and doing well. Now comes the long wait to see how they turn out. I don't show, but it is still nice to have a bird turn out close to the standard. By the way, IDEAL was the hatchery and also, kodos to the USPO. A 24hr delivery from texas was super service.
Well I just got home from a vacation. It was in the 70's to 80's the whole time.
I was in Hawaii.
Came home yesterday and drove straight into a blizzard. Poor DH had a blizzard on Monday that I missed.
Wondered where you were. Hawaii hOw fun! Pictures please lol, for those of us stuck in this cold place.
Oh but today it was wonderful! Warm and sunny ! My chickens had a ball out side and turned up all the soil and leaves under my hedges. They ate grass that was green, had goodies and just relished in the dirt. It was so nice having this great day and knowing soon summer will be here!

RobRoo so glad you got some awesome birds and you are happy, you must post pictures!
Here you go Karla I took a TON of pictures.


Went snorkling here

Diamond Head. We hiked to the top from the other side







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