
we got a qiuck storm that moved through dumped a bunch of snow and then cleared out. I hadn't seen my horses for a week, they took off into the back pasture with the warm weather and green grass, but this morning they were up by the hay bale thats been out all week waiting for them. I guess they didn't like digging through 6" of snow for the grass.
i was surprised the chickens went out this morning, it was only 26 when I opened their door. burr, too cold for me. it did get up to 45, and last time I checked on the chickens they were all sun bathing.
i put some 5week olds out in the coop today, I did give them a heat lamp for a few days untill they get used to being out there. It should be back up to 70 by Wed.
You all might remember I built a new coop last year, well I need another one! I told my BF that and he looked at me like I was nuts or something, I mean really, whats wrong with wanting another coop? I'm not nuts--- Right????
I may also need a new coop to, I put eggs under my Broody today as she has been broody so much and for so long I decided she had to be a mama as she was desperate and there for, a new coop may be in order soon . I put 5 eggs under her today, she was thrilled ! not sure what I will do with them once they grow, but the roosters will have to go. looks like moms getting a coop sooner then later lol. can not wait to see if she hatches any of these out . at least Im letting her try now, she really has the mommy instinct and I know that feeling. lol
They are pretty but they are not Whooping Cranes, the are Sand Hill Cranes. I always get them mixed up. The Whooping ones are still very rare. Happy Easter all !!!!!!!
Hi everyone,
I would like to know where to get all the information on the Hamilton show on May 5th.
Have taken the weekend off to attend, but can't find any info.

Oh my how cute! Getting big ! Yes, we want the funky girl she is so pretty! Well we hope she is a girl lol. Crossing my fingers! Thank you so much! Makes us a part of them even though we do not have them yet. Love the grey one in the picture and what's the black one in the back? Looks like our astrolorps lol. I will be fun to have a unusual bird, she must be part EE , I would love blue eggs! Thank you so much for posting, the boys are so happy lol.
Megan, what would you say she is mixed with? She is cool looking! We have an astrolorp that has giant legs and feet. We call her Gertie the gimp ( crooked feet) we thought she was either male, or a jersey giant. The fact she has pink feet tell me she is not a giant though she is way bigger then my other girls, then we tought she was a male as she grew bigger, redder comb and longer waddles a d giant legs and feet. She laid an egg finally 2 months later then the others as well. you would have thought her male 100% as she had all the signs, real big legs, heavy and giant feet. Fast combs and waddles bright red. Grew faster, and is bigger then the rest. She is also the alpha male. I will postictures this coming week.

Sorry Karla - I just now saw this post from you! I really don't have a clue what she is mixed with, but I don't think that it is Ameraucana - I don't see the usual tells for that cross..... Perhaps a Marans? Perhaps my one super duper awesome Barnavelder rooster? I don't know but I think "she" is really turning out nice. I keep looking at her and trying to figure out what she's going to grow up to be.
What are you going to do if your hen hatches out babies?!? I sure hope she does though, there is nothing like a mamma hen with her little ones trailing along behind her - it such a sweet part of life.

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