
Sorry Karla - I just now saw this post from you! I really don't have a clue what she is mixed with, but I don't think that it is Ameraucana - I don't see the usual tells for that cross..... Perhaps a Marans? Perhaps my one super duper awesome Barnavelder rooster? I don't know but I think "she" is really turning out nice. I keep looking at her and trying to figure out what she's going to grow up to be.
What are you going to do if your hen hatches out babies?!? I sure hope she does though, there is nothing like a mamma hen with her little ones trailing along behind her - it such a sweet part of life.
Hi hon , I missed this lol, been waiting days for. A reply and missed it lol. We hope the broody gets her babies, she has wanted chicks since she went into her first broody when she had her first egg! She is a constant brooder, I'm thinking I will need a new coop right away, ( in the next month or so) going to get one built as soon as I can for moms house I will keep a few but give the others away , no way do I need more then I can handle! One I do really want is a Turken,, hoping to find one to add to the other chicks. There so cute! Also a bird who lays blue or white eggs. Maybe you might have one extra ameurcana when I get my girls from you? I really want a colored egg or white egg now. Called a few people about having a coop built, I'm really going to have to budget lol these girls make me happy and broke!
You sound so much like me Karla. There are so many marvelous breeds out there! I have been so good this year though - really really proud of my self control!
So, lets see...... at this point your pullet order is...... One RIR, that super pretty RIR/cross girl, and Ameraucana... ? Is this right my dear? We'll have to see what we can come up with on the Ameraucana-ish part of that. It all really depends on how many turn out to be female from this mixed breed batch. I have them all sold at this point - as many as I felt comfortable selling ahead of time, given that probably fewer than half will be female. If I am wrong though, and I get half or more girls, then we may be able to find you something a little girl with pea comb at least, hopefully more Ameraucana traits. We'll sure give it a good try! Depending on how long you want to wait, I do have pure bred Ameraucana babies a few weeks behind these other birds who are not sold out yet. We could see, when you come for your other birds, if there are any of these who are clearly female.
This whole chicken raising and selling thing would be SO much simpler if they would just pop out of those eggs with little pink and blue gender dots on their heads.
You sound so much like me Karla. There are so many marvelous breeds out there! I have been so good this year though - really really proud of my self control!
So, lets see...... at this point your pullet order is...... One RIR, that super pretty RIR/cross girl, and Ameraucana... ? Is this right my dear? We'll have to see what we can come up with on the Ameraucana-ish part of that. It all really depends on how many turn out to be female from this mixed breed batch. I have them all sold at this point - as many as I felt comfortable selling ahead of time, given that probably fewer than half will be female. If I am wrong though, and I get half or more girls, then we may be able to find you something a little girl with pea comb at least, hopefully more Ameraucana traits. We'll sure give it a good try! Depending on how long you want to wait, I do have pure bred Ameraucana babies a few weeks behind these other birds who are not sold out yet. We could see, when you come for your other birds, if there are any of these who are clearly female.
This whole chicken raising and selling thing would be SO much simpler if they would just pop out of those eggs with little pink and blue gender dots on their heads.
The though of the Pretty RIR being part barn delver is exciting! Yes, I would love an ameraucana or mix ( looking for a light colored bird) ! My problem is finding places to put the teens from you, the chicks and mama and the other girls I have already. I'm hoping to slowly mix your girls with my ladies very carefully and let them roam freely . If this is not to be, I will put the new girls in there own pen at moms, add a 4 girl coop and since I work at moms, we are there 7 days a week they will be fine there. I will add a electric door so mom does not have to let them in and out since she is 80 . Then when they are big enough try it again adding them to the flock. In the mean time I will be adding a small coop to my big pen here and section it off for mom and her babies. Then figure out what to keep and give away. By the time I have my coop here rebuilt in the next few weeks, I will be able to hold at least 12 girls. Oh fun fun lol
I could use some help from some of you that have shown your birds before. I have never shown before but I am interested in the Hamilton show this year.My Welsummers have gone into molt because I turned off their night light too soon and they thought it was fall instead of spring (and subseqently quit laying) so I don't think any of them will be ready. I do have a beautiful Yokohama Rooster but a hen has pecked a small spot bare on his head. Would that disqualify Him??? The Japanese bantams are in good form but they are a very flighty breed. Do they have to be semi-tame for a show??? Also I have never found evidence of lice in the flock but maybe I should de-louse them as a precaution. What is the best method for this???? I have heard of people bathing birds for a show. Is that common practice??? Any helpfull comments will be appreciated.
I have never shown my girls ( way to afraid of bringing home a sickness ) sorry RobRoo

Im on day four of my chicken laying on eggs, I can not wait to candle and see what I have !! I hope we get at least 2, so they have company. all five would be something !
She is so adamant not to leave the coop I have to pick her up to take her out to poop and eat. she will not do it in her brooder pen. Im thinking she will be an awesome mommy !
Quote: Nice to meet you as well!
McAllister is about 50 miles from Bozeman and about an hour away from Butte, Ennis is my next door neighbor. We have a few chickens and lots of rabbits, working on getting a couple of goats and have turkey eggs in the incubator, a dog, some fish, a snake, 3 kids and a very understanding husband

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