Month old chicks, starting out in tractor, lying down on their sides


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
Oconomowoc, WI
Strangest thing, sunny day today (wisconsin) and so put my 10 chicks (abt 30 days old) out in tracotr in yard.... anyhow they just started to lie down on their sides, this was the second time in tractor, they didn't do it the first time. Only about 5 of them are doing it, 2 rocks, two bantams, and one other.... have you ever seen this?

They hop right back up again but it almost looks like like they want to rest on their sides, both legs sticking out a little... listing over, some with the top wing slightly extended, others just walk right over them... but they are hopping up again, foraging while lying donw, seem fine.

Any ideas, ever seen this, is it common?

Thanks, New to Chickens and loving it so far (especially my Buff Orphington, a real snuggler)
It sounds like they are sunbathing to me, perfectly normal
Thanks all, I feel better, actually it was quite comical. My chickies are just so fun to watch and now having them out in the tractor is so great on such a pretty day! Guess I better get back to work though!

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